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Eclipse, where to change the current debug line background?




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How do I change the breakpoint color in eclipse?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. here you will see list of 'annotations types', choose 'breakpoints'. Then on the right side you see 'Show in', check there 'Text as' and select 'Highlighted', below you can set background color.

How do I change the background in eclipse?

To change the color theme in your editor: Go to Window | Preferences | General | Appearance | Color Theme. The list of available Eclipse color themes is displayed.

How do I change debug mode to normal mode in eclipse?

Right Click the project and Open Properties. Then Select Run/Debug Setting from there you will find all the launch Configured. Delete all the launch and Run the application.

Ok, now I found it myself (through major reverse engineering). It is in General\Editors\Text Editors\Annotations page. It's called "Debug Current Instruction Pointer"

On my version of Eclipse it is

General\Editors\Text Editors\Annotations\Debug Call Stack"

Because Eclipse change stuff more than they change clothes

As of Eclipse for Java EE 2019-09 , took me 30 min just to find this stupid preferences

enter image description here

Than go to

enter image description here