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Revert to Eclipse default settings




People also ask

How do I go back to default view in Eclipse?

You can always return a perspective to its default state by right-clicking the perspective button in the right top corner of the Eclipse IDE and clicking Reset.

How do I change the default editor in Eclipse?

Tip. You can set which Eclipse editor or external program to use to open a specific type of file based on its file extension. Just select Window→ Preferences→ Workbench→ File Associations, select the file type, and associate an editor or program with it (if nothing else, you can use Eclipse's default text editor).

How do I change the view in Eclipse?

You can always create a new workspace or switch a workspace by choosing File, Switch Workspace from the main menu. Eclipse's main window is divided into smaller windows called views. Views display different information about your work. To open a specific view, click Window, Show View, and select the desired View.

You can reset to the default color scheme in the Window>Preferences options page. This example will be for resetting a theme used for Java.

Navigate to Windows>Preferences>Java>Editor. Click on Syntax Coloring. Click "Restore Defaults" and "Apply". Then, navigate to General>Editors. Click on Text Editors. Click on "Restore Defaults" and "Apply".

I had the same issue and the above steps cleared up my problem. Also, the Show line numbers check box is on the last page from above.

I followed the instructions of Ronan on this one and worked well.

rm -r $WORKSPACE_DIR/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/

Relaunch eclipse.

I had installed the an eclipse preference for colours.

One would think eclipse could make it simpler to remove preferences than this manual process.

I encountered this problem also, I went with the second answer, however, I only removed /.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings - this way I was able to preserve my workspace settings (source code etc)

Going forward I would recommend downloading the Eclipise Color Theme Plugin from http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/ - This allows you to switch between a range of color themes easily, and easily switch back to 'Default'

It is simple.

First, you open eclipse but with workspace different with workspace you have working. then, you choose File / Export / --> General / Preferences --> choose to folder which you want to pick the file *.epf

Second, you open eclipse with workspace you want to work. Then choose File / Import / --> General / Preferences --> choose to folder which you had picked the file *.epf and OK

Have fun!

"Restore Defaults" is not working.

You must remove the all file in the /.../workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/ directory.

The settings of plugins, including the core ones, are saved in the [workspace_dir]/.metadata/.plugins directories ([workspace_dir] refers to the workspace directory you use).

So if you remove the [workspace_dir]/.metadata, you will reset all the properties defined (which will include all the properties, not only the font ones). Another idea is to create and use a new workspace. Be careful, as your code source may be located in your [workspace_dir]/ directory.

But why don't you just use Use System Font button in the Eclipse Properties dialog?

I had the same problem. My path back to default was as follows:

  1. Install Eclipse Color Themes Plugin (http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/)
  2. Navigate to Window->Preferences
  3. Navigate to General->Appearance->Color Themes
  4. Click Restore Defaults, then click Apply

That should take care of it.