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How to mock spray-client response

I have a simple spray client :

val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[GoogleApiResult[Elevation]]

val responseFuture = pipeline {Get("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/jsonlocations=27.988056,86.925278&sensor=false") }

responseFuture onComplete {
  case Success(GoogleApiResult(_, Elevation(_, elevation) :: _)) =>
    log.info("The elevation of Mt. Everest is: {} m", elevation)

  case Failure(error) =>
    log.error(error, "Couldn't get elevation")

Full code can be found here.

I want to mock the response of the server to test the logic in the Success and Failure cases. The only relevant information i found was here but I haven't been able to use the cake pattern to mock the sendReceive method.

Any suggestion or example would be greatly appreciated.

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Eleni Avatar asked May 16 '13 10:05


2 Answers

Here's an example of one way to mock it using specs2 for the test spec and mockito for the mocking. First, the Main object refactored into a class setup for mocking:

class ElevationClient{
  // we need an ActorSystem to host our application in
  implicit val system = ActorSystem("simple-spray-client")
  import system.dispatcher // execution context for futures below
  val log = Logging(system, getClass)

  log.info("Requesting the elevation of Mt. Everest from Googles Elevation API...")

  import ElevationJsonProtocol._
  import SprayJsonSupport._

  def sendAndReceive = sendReceive

  def elavation = {
    val pipeline = sendAndReceive ~> unmarshal[GoogleApiResult[Elevation]]

    pipeline {

  def shutdown(): Unit = {

Then, the test spec:

class ElevationClientSpec extends Specification with Mockito{

  val mockResponse = mock[HttpResponse]
  val mockStatus = mock[StatusCode]
  mockResponse.status returns mockStatus
  mockStatus.isSuccess returns true

  val json = """
       "results" : [
             "elevation" : 8815.71582031250,
             "location" : {
                "lat" : 27.9880560,
                "lng" : 86.92527800000001
             "resolution" : 152.7032318115234
       "status" : "OK"

  val body = HttpEntity(ContentType.`application/json`, json.getBytes())
  mockResponse.entity returns body

  val client = new ElevationClient{
    override def sendAndReceive = {
      (req:HttpRequest) => Promise.successful(mockResponse).future

  "A request to get an elevation" should{
    "return an elevation result" in {
      val fut = client.elavation
      val el = Await.result(fut, Duration(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
      val expected = GoogleApiResult("OK",List(Elevation(Location(27.988056,86.925278),8815.7158203125)))
      el mustEqual expected

So my approach here was to first define an overridable function in the ElevationClient called sendAndReceive that just delegates to the spray sendReceive function. Then, in the test spec, I override that sendAndReceive function to return a function that returns a completed Future wrapping a mock HttpResponse. This is one approach for doing what you want to do. I hope this helps.

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cmbaxter Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 22:09


There's no need to introduce mocking in this case, as you can simply build a HttpResponse much more easily using the existing API:

val mockResponse = HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, json.getBytes))

(Sorry for posting this as another answer, but don't have enough karma to comment)

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José González Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09

José González