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Many Test classes or one Test class with many methods?

I have a PersonDao that I'm writing unit tests against.

There are about 18-20 methods in PersonDao of the form -

    getAllPersonsUnder21() etc

My Approach to testing this was to create a PersonDaoTest with about 18 test methods testing each of the method in PersonDao

Then I created a PersonDaoPaginationTest that tested these 18 methods by applying pagination parameters.

Is this in anyway against the TDD best practices? I was told that this creates confusion and is against the best practices since this is non-standard. What was suggested is merging the two classes into PersonDaoTest instead.

As I understand is, the more broken down into many classes your code is, the better, please comment.

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Sam Avatar asked Aug 02 '11 00:08


People also ask

What are best practices for test classes?

Test class must start with @isTest annotation. Focus 90+ : To deploy to production at least 75% code coverage is required. But always try to focus on 90%+. We should not focus on the percentage of code coverage, We should make sure that every use case should covered including positive, negative,bulk and single record.

Should I unit test all methods?

The answer to the more general question is yes, you should unit test everything you can. Doing so creates a legacy for later so changes down the road can be done with peace of mind. It ensures that your code works as expected.

How can you create multiple test classes using the same test data?

The correct answer is creating Test Utility Class and referencing that in test class. Test utility classes are the one which are used for test Data creation and contain methods which are always public/global so that can be used by another test class.

Is it necessary to write the test class to test every class?

Do I need to write a test class for every class I need to test? No. It is a convention to start with one test class per class under test, but it is not necessary. Test classes only provide a way to organize tests, nothing more.

3 Answers

The fact that you have a set of 18 tests that you are going to have to duplicate to test a new feature is a smell that suggests that your PersonDao class is taking on multiple responsibilities. Specifically, it appears to be responsible both for querying/filter and for pagination. You may want to take a look at whether you can do a bit of design work to extract the pagination functionality into a separate class which could then be tested independently.

But in answer to your question, if you find that you have a class that you want to remain complex, then it's perfectly fine to use multiple test classes as a way of organizing a large number of tests. @Gishu's answer of grouping tests by their setup is a good approach. @Ryan's answer of grouping by "facets" or features is another good approach.

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avh4 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10


Can't give you a sweeping answer without looking at the code... except use whatever seems coherent to you and your team.

I've found that grouping tests based on their setup works out nicely in most cases. i.e if 5 tests require the same setup, they usually fit nicely into a test-fixture. if the 6th test requires a different setup (more or less) break it out into a separate test fixture.

This also leads to test-fixtures that are feature-cohesive (i.e. tests grouped on feature), give it a try. I'm not aware of any best practice that says you need to have one test class per production class... in practice I find I have n test classes per production classes, the best practice would be to use good names and keep related tests close (in a named folder).

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Gishu Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10


My 2 cents: when you have a large class like that that has different "facets" to it, like pagination, I find it can often make for more understandable tests to not pack them all into one class. I can't claim to be a TDD guru, but I practice test-first development religiously, so to speak. I don't do it often, but it's not exactly rare, either, that I'll write more than a single test class for a particular class. Many people seem to forget good coding practices like separation of concerns when writing tests, though. I'm not sure why.

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Ryan Stewart Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Ryan Stewart