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Full Gulp Istanbul Coverage Report

I am using gulp-istanbul to generate JavaScript unit test coverage reports through Gulp. Is there a way to configure Istanbul to generate a full coverage report of all the JS files in my gulp stream, and not just the files touched by a test case.

I'm working on a project with a lot of JS, but no unit tests, and we are trying to increase the test coverage. I would like to have a coverage report that starts by show 0% coverage for most of our files, but over time will present an increasing coverage percentage.

gulp.task( 'test', function () {
    gulp.src( [ my source glob ] )
        .pipe( istanbul() )
        .on( 'end', function () {
            gulp.src( [ my test spec glob ] )
                .pipe( mocha( {
                    reporter: 'spec'
                } ) )
                .pipe( istanbul.writeReports(
                    [ output location ]
                ) );
        } );
} );
like image 809
Scott Avatar asked Mar 28 '14 01:03


People also ask

What is Istanbul test coverage?

Istanbul is a test coverage tool that works with many different frameworks. It tracks which parts of your code are executed by your unit tests. Thus, you can use Istanbul to view and see coverage gaps, or you can integrate it integrated into your CI pipeline to enforce coverage levels.

What is Istanbul jest?

Jest is one of the most popular testing platforms that could be used with any JavaScript library or framework. Istanbul is another popular all-JavaScript library testing tool that checks test unit coverage.

2 Answers

It actually is much more simple now and you just have to add includeUntested to your istanbul() call.

gulp.task('test', function () {
    return gulp.src('./assets/**/js/*.js')
      // Right there
      .pipe(istanbul({includeUntested: true}))
      .on('finish', function () {
          .pipe(mocha({reporter: 'spec'}))
            dir: './assets/unit-test-coverage',
            reporters: [ 'lcov' ],
            reportOpts: { dir: './assets/unit-test-coverage'}

Source : https://github.com/SBoudrias/gulp-istanbul#includeuntested

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Romain Braun Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Romain Braun

Istanbul hook is executed when the file is required. So, you need to require all files in order for them to be included in the final coverage report. You can achieve this by injecting a tap inside your gulp task and call require on all selected files:

gulp.task( 'test', function () {
    gulp.src( [ my source glob ] )
        .pipe( istanbul() )
        .pipe(tap(function(f) {
            // Make sure all files are loaded to get accurate coverage data
        .on( 'end', function () {
            gulp.src( [ my test spec glob ] )
                .pipe( mocha( {
                    reporter: 'spec'
                } ) )
                .pipe( istanbul.writeReports(
                    [ output location ]
                ) );
        } );
} );
like image 41
Joel Grenon Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Joel Grenon