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How to mock final field? mockito/powermock

I have same class

class MyCalss{
     final static SomeClass field  = new SomeClass();

I should to mock instance of MyCalss. This mock should contain field like real object.

How can I achieve it?

like image 290
gstackoverflow Avatar asked May 13 '14 11:05


1 Answers

Mocking operates on methods and interfaces, not fields; furthermore, it operates on instance members, not static members. Mockito and Powermock are not the right tools to solve this problem.

Though you can use reflection to set final fields, you're effectively working around your own declaration, and are subject to the limitations and hazards of JLS 17.5.3.

A better design would be to rewrite the method in the system under test to inject its SomeClass dependency:

public void methodUnderTest() {

/** Package-visible for testing. Test this method instead. */
void methodUnderTest(SomeClass someClass) {
like image 77
Jeff Bowman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Jeff Bowman