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How do I mock the result of a promise in an AngularJS unit test?

My CompanyService is:

angular.module('mean').service('CompanyService', ['$http', '$rootScope', '$q', function($http, $rootScope, $q) {
  var company = this;
  var initializedDeferred = $q.defer();

  company.company_data = {}
  company.initialized = initializedDeferred.promise;

  company.getCompany = function() {
    return company.company_data;

  company.get = function (company_id) {
    return $http({
      url: '/api/v1/company/' + company_id,
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        api_key: $rootScope.api_key
    }).success(function(response) {
      if(response.status === 'ok') {
        company.company_data = response.company;
      } else {
        alert('TBD: Need fail case');

My controller is:

angular.module('mean').controller('LocationController', ['$scope', '$location', '$rootScope', 'LocationService', 'UserService', 'CompanyService', '$modal', '$routeParams', function ($scope, $location, $rootScope, LocationService, UserService, CompanyService, $modal, $routeParams) {
  $rootScope.menuItem = 'locations';
  $scope.contentTemplate = '/views/location/index.html';
  $scope.locations = [];
  $scope.current_location = null;
  $scope.newLocation = {};
  $scope.location_parent_id = $routeParams.location_parent_id;

  $scope.index = function() {
    CompanyService.initialized.then(function() {
      $scope.test = 'a';
      var company_id = CompanyService.getCompany()._id;
      LocationService.list(company_id, $routeParams.location_parent_id).then(function(response) {
        if(response.data.status === 'ok') {
          $scope.locations = response.data.locations;
          $scope.current_location = response.data.location || null;

  $scope.addLocationModal = function() {
    $scope.location_types = ['warehouse', 'section', 'row', 'shelf', 'bin'];
      scope: $scope,
      template: '/views/location/addLocationModal.html',
      show: true,
      animation: 'am-fade-and-scale'

  $scope.createLocation = function() {
    $scope.newLocation.company_id = CompanyService.getCompany()._id;
    LocationService.create($scope.newLocation).then(function(response) {
      if(response.data.status === 'ok') {
      } else {


My test is:

(function() {
  describe('LocationController', function() {
    var $scope, $location, $rootScope, $modal, deferred, CompanyService, createController;


    beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
      $location = $injector.get('$location');
      $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
      $modal = $injector.get('$modal');
      $scope = $rootScope.$new();

      var $controller = $injector.get('$controller');

      var $q = $injector.get('$q');

      var params = {
        '$scope': $scope,
        CompanyService: jasmine.createSpyObj('CompanyService', ['initialized'])

      params.CompanyService.initialized.andCallFake(function () {
        deferred = $q.defer();
        return deferred.promise;

      createController = function() {
        return $controller('LocationController', params);

    it('should instantiate initial variables at the top level', function() {
      var controller = createController();


    it('should list all locations for this company', function() {
      var controller = createController();


But, the resolve isn't working. I get this error: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'deferred.resolve')

Any help?

like image 851
Shamoon Avatar asked Feb 22 '14 01:02


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1 Answers

In your tests you create your deferred object using the fake CompanyService.initialized function. However this function is only called when you call $scope.index();, which is executed after your deferred.resolve(); line. The following should work:

it('should list all locations for this company', function() {
  var controller = createController();
  $scope.index();   // Should in turn call the fake CompanyService.initialized function that creates deferred
  $scope.$apply();  // Fire $digest cycle to dispatch promises.



Jasmine doesn't support spying on properties that are not functions. So your spy setup is invalid as CompanyService.initialized is an object and not a function, so your andCallFake wont work. A workaround is to introduce a getter function inside your CompanyServicee.g:

company.isInitialized(){ return company.initialized; }

And then inside your controller use this getter function instead:

$scope.index = function() {
  CompanyService.isInitialized().then(function() {
    $scope.test = 'a';
    // Removed for brevity

And finally update your test code initialization:

var params = {
  '$scope': $scope,
  CompanyService: jasmine.createSpyObj('CompanyService', ['isInitialized'])
params.CompanyService.isInitialized.andCallFake(function () {
  deferred = $q.defer();
  return deferred.promise;
like image 91
Beyers Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09
