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How to merge data in Couchbase with map reduce?

My application is storing multiple document types in the same bucket. I know it is not good practice but I have a limit on how many buckets I can create on my server and there is not way around it at the moment. The documents are prefixed with their types so when I get a document I just need to concatenate the prefix and the id to get the key and I can do a key lookup.

I need to create a report which gents information from more than one document types.

My map looks like this:

function(doc, meta) {

  var getStep = function(stepName, exit, mapper) {
    if (meta.id.indexOf(stepName) !== -1) {
      var hotelId = parseInt(meta.id.replace(stepName + '_', ''));
      if (hotelId > 0) {
        var result = {
          hotelId: hotelId,
          exit: exit
        if (mapper !== undefined) {
        return result;
    return null;

  var photos = getStep('PHOTOS', 7);
  if (photos != null) {
    emit(photos.hotelId, photos);
  var pricing = getStep('PICR', 5);
  if (pricing != null) {
    emit(pricing.hotelId, pricing);
  var owner = getStep('OWNER', 1);
  if (owner != null) {
    emit(owner.hotelId, owner);
  var amenity = getStep('AM', 4);
  if (amenity != null) {
    emit(amenity.hotelId, amenity);
  var description = getStep('HDESC', 3, function(result) {
    result.description = doc.description;
    result.hotelRoomTypeId = doc.hotelRoomTypeId;
    result.starRating = doc.starRating;
  if (description != null) {
    emit(description.hotelId, description);
  var contact = getStep('DC', 3, function(result) {
    result.email = doc.emailAddress;
    result.contact = doc.mainContactName;
  if (contact != null) {
    emit(contact.hotelId, contact);
  var location = getStep('LOC', 2, function(result) {
    result.city = doc.cityName;
    result.zip = doc.postalCode;
    result.country = doc.countryName;
    result.street = doc.stateName + ', ' + doc.streetName;
  if (location != null) {
    emit(location.hotelId, location);
  var property = getStep('PRP', 1, function(result) {
    result.paymentMethodId = doc.paymentMethodId
  if (property != null) {
    emit(property.hotelId, property);

It generates this output:

{"id":"DC_1","key":1,"value":{"hotelId":1,"exit":3,"email":"[email protected]","contact":"Jeno"}},
{"id":"LOC_1","key":1,"value":{"hotelId":1,"exit":2,"city":"Barcelona","zip":"1222","country":"Spain","street":"Catalonia, someplacenice"}},


I am trying to group the date by hotelId which is the new key and merge the fields to one document with a custom reducer. I am getting different errors depending on the error type but all errors seem to indicate that there is a limit on how much date the reducer can return. If I change the return type from an object to an associative array which works pretty much the same way I get a better error.

function(key, values, rereduce) { 
  if (rereduce) {
    return values;
  } else {
    var results = {}; // Object!
    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      var row = values[i];
      if (!results[row.hotelId]) {
        results[row.hotelId] = {
          phone: '',
          exit: 1
      var result = results[row.hotelId];
      for (var name in row) {
        result[name] = row[name];
      if (row.exit > row.exit) {
        result.exit = row.exit;

    return results;

Gives me RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

function(key, values, rereduce) { 
  if (rereduce) {
    return values;
  } else {
    var results = []; // Array!
    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      var row = values[i];
      if (!results[row.hotelId]) {
        results[row.hotelId] = {
          phone: '',
          exit: 1
      var result = results[row.hotelId];
      for (var name in row) {
        result[name] = row[name];
      if (row.exit > row.exit) {
        result.exit = row.exit;

    return results;

Gives me reduction too large error

function(key, values, rereduce) { 
  if (rereduce) {
    return values;
  } else {    
    return values;

Gives me RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

If I run:

function(key, values, rereduce) { 
  if (rereduce) {
    return values;
  } else {        
    return values.length;

I get back:

[ 68, 72, 65, 66, 68, 68, 70, 114 ]

The JavaScript engine should be able to reduce arrays with max 114 size and the output data should be even smaller. Apparently there is a limit on how much data a reduce can return max_kv_size_per_doc which is 1Mb also there is a 10 secs execution limit but in my case it is something else. Is there a way to get around these limits by changing the algorithm, returning array or arrays or something? Is there something I can do in the map or some tricks I can use in rereduce?

like image 680
Jeno Laszlo Avatar asked Jul 07 '17 04:07

Jeno Laszlo

1 Answers

I figured it out. It works if I use compound keys and group_level.

So if I change my map to return an array as key for hotel id and I set group_level = 1 then the values will be grouped for me as I initially expected:

function(doc, meta) {

  var getStep = function(stepName, exit, mapper) {
    if (meta.id.indexOf(stepName) !== -1) {
      var hotelId = parseInt(meta.id.replace(stepName + '_', ''));
      if (hotelId > 0) {
        var result = {
          hotelId: hotelId,
          exit: exit
        if (mapper !== undefined) {
        return result;
    return null;

  var photos = getStep('PHOTOS', 7);
  if (photos != null) {
    emit([photos.hotelId], photos); // array as key
  var pricing = getStep('PICR', 5); // array as key
  if (pricing != null) {
    emit([pricing.hotelId], pricing);
  var owner = getStep('OWNER', 1); // array as key
  if (owner != null) {
    emit([owner.hotelId], owner);
  var amenity = getStep('AM', 4); // array as key
  if (amenity != null) {
    emit([amenity.hotelId], amenity);
  var description = getStep('HDESC', 3, function(result) {
    result.description = doc.description;
    result.hotelRoomTypeId = doc.hotelRoomTypeId;
    result.starRating = doc.starRating;
  if (description != null) {
    emit([description.hotelId], description); // array as key
  var contact = getStep('DC', 3, function(result) {
    result.email = doc.emailAddress;
    result.contact = doc.mainContactName;
  if (contact != null) {
    emit([contact.hotelId], contact); // array as key
  var location = getStep('LOC', 2, function(result) {
    result.city = doc.cityName;
    result.zip = doc.postalCode;
    result.country = doc.countryName;
    result.street = doc.stateName + ', ' + doc.streetName;
  if (location != null) {
    emit([location.hotelId], location); // array as key
  var property = getStep('PRP', 1, function(result) {
    result.paymentMethodId = doc.paymentMethodId
  if (property != null) {
    emit([property.hotelId], property); // array as key

Then I need to set the group_level=1 and reduce=true. You can do it in the view editor or in the query string.

The last bit is the reduce:

function(key, values, rereduce) { 
  if (rereduce) {
    return values;
  } else {           
    var result = {};
        for(var name in item){
            result[name] = item[name];

    return result;

The result will be merged by hotelId as expected :)

like image 171
Jeno Laszlo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 15:11

Jeno Laszlo