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Javascript - Convert object properties to variables inside function scope [duplicate]

This is what i want to achieve:

let scope = { property: "value" };
function fun()
  //That's how I can get my variables:

  //And that's how I want to get them

But of course the bind() function doesn't work like that. My idea was to do it this way:

let scope = { property: "value" }
function fun(scope)
  for (let p in scope)
    if (scope.hasOwnProperty(p))
      window[p] = scope[p];
  // Now it works

Unfortunately by doing this variables are declared in the global scope and the Garbage Collector won't free them up after function execution. So I would have to also add something like this at the end of my function:

for (let p in scope)
  if (scope.hasOwnProperty(p))
    delete window[p];

But as we all know delete operator is pretty heavy, so I would like to omit using it. That's why I'm looking for a way to convert object properties into variables in function scope.

PS: I can't use destructuring assignment because I don't know names of object properties.

like image 509
Isaac Reason Avatar asked May 03 '17 07:05

Isaac Reason

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1 Answers

Other than using the window object you have the option of using eval:

let scope = { property: "value" }
function fun(scope)
  for (let p in scope)
    if (scope.hasOwnProperty(p))
      eval("var " + p + " = scope[p];");

See also: How do i declare and use dynamic variables in javascript?

like image 115
amiramw Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10
