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How to get a plain object from mobx object?

I defined a mobx map as below:

@observable editors = observable.map();

then I added object on the editors as below:

  editors.set(key, {
    alias: 'alias-1',
    message: 'hello',

when I get the object from editor as below:

  let myEditor = editors.get(key)

the returned object myEditor has some builtin functions such as:

get alias:function ()
set alias:function ()
get message:function ()
set message:function ()

I wander how I can get a plain javascript object from editor?

like image 260
Joey Yi Zhao Avatar asked Apr 12 '17 05:04

Joey Yi Zhao

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1 Answers

You can use toJS.


class MyStore {
  @observable editors = observable.map({});

const myStore = new MyStore();

myStore.editors.set('example', {
  alias: 'alias-1',
  message: 'hello'

like image 92
Tholle Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10
