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How to map a single char column in Doctrine 2

How can I map a single char column in Doctrine 2, using annotations? I would like to have a char type, instead a single char string.

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Guillermo Gutiérrez Avatar asked Jan 09 '14 15:01

Guillermo Gutiérrez

3 Answers

You can always use the string type with the fixed option:

 * @Column(type="string", length=2, options={"fixed" = true})
protected $country;

The above code snippet produces the following SQL:

`country` char(2) NOT NULL,
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Francesco Casula Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11

Francesco Casula

Doctrine doesn't have a CHAR type defined out of the box, however it does allow you to define custom types, which you could use to create a 'char' type to use in annotations.

The Doctrine documentation has an example of this: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/types.html#custom-mapping-types

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Kevin Sharp Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11

Kevin Sharp

You might end up providing your own full-column definition:

 * @Column(type="string", columnDefinition="CHAR(2) NOT NULL")
protected $country = null;
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Антон Кучеревский Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Антон Кучеревский