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How do I run multiple queries in sailsjs controller?




It seems in sailsjs you can only run and pass one set of query data at a time. For example here is the controller for my homepage:

     module.exports = {

       index: function (req, res) {

        .sort('createdAt desc')
        .where({ isPublished: 1 })
        .exec(function(err, posts) {
          if (err) return next(err);
            layout: "homeLayout",


How would I query data from some other model and pass it to my view along with the blog data Im already passing?

like image 962
Kory Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 18:11


3 Answers

You can use Promises to do so. It's actually an excellent usecase. I use Q, which is what Waterline (Sail's ORM) use behind the scene.

You can see below an example of code where I retrieve data from a first model, and then, using the data I retrieved, I query other models to get some more data (in parallel), and in the end, I send the result back to the view.

      SomeModel.findOne(criterias).then(function(result) {
        ]).spread(function(someOtherResult, yetAnotherResult) {
          var data = {
            thing: result,
            stuff: someOtherResult,
            otherthing: yetAnotherResult
          return res.view(data);
      }).fail(function(reason) {
        return res.view(reason);

The getSomething() function should return a promise, standard finder from Sails will work transparently (just don't pass the callback). As per this other question it appears that standard finder do not behave exactly like Q promises, the answer I gave there should help get a more consistant behavior.

More on Q and how it works in the doc !

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Jérémie Parker Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Jérémie Parker

You could also use async.auto (see below). Here's a link to the complete sails repo example.

var async = require('async'),
    _ = require('lodash');

module.exports = {

    index: function (req, res) {


            // Get the blog posts
            posts: function (cb) {
                    .where({ isPublished: 1 })
                    .sort('createdAt DESC')

            // Get some more stuff
            // (this will happen AT THE SAME TIME as `posts` above)
            otherThings: function (cb) {

            // Get comments
            // (we'll wait until `posts` is finished first)
            comments: ['posts', function (cb, async_data) {

                // Get `posts`
                // (the second argument to cb() back in `posts`)
                // Used map to make sure posts are an array of ids and not just an object. 
                var posts = async_data.posts.map(function (item){ return item.id});

                // Get comments that whose `post_id` is equal to 
                // the id of one of the posts we found earlier
                    .where({ post_id: posts })

        function allDone (err, async_data) {

            // If an error is passed as the first argument to cb
            // in any of the functions above, then the async block
            // will break, and this function will be called.
            if (err) return res.serverError(err);

            var posts = async_data.posts;
            var comments = async_data.comments;

            var otherThings = async_data.otherThings;

            // Fold the comments into the appropriate post
            // An in-memory join
            _.map(posts, function (post) {
                var theseComments =
                    _.where(comments, { post_id: post.id });
                post.comments = theseComments;


            // Show a view using our data
                // layout: 'homeLayout',
                posts: posts,
                otherThings: otherThings

like image 9
JohnGalt Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11


I have figured out a few ways to accomplish this. The first way is to nest your queries, eg.

  .sort('createdAt desc')
  .where({ isPublished: 1 })
  .exec(function(err, posts) {

        .sort('createdAt desc')
        .where({ isPublished: 1 })
        .exec(function(err, otherdata) {

            posts: posts,
            otherdata: otherdata



The second way is to use promises (I wasnt aware of this previously)

.where({ id: 2 })
    var comments = Comment.find({userId: user.id}).then(function(comments){
        return comments;
    return [user.id, user.friendsList, comments];
}).spread(function(userId, friendsList, comments){
    // Promises are awesome!
    // An error occured

The third way (I ended up going with this) is to create a policy (specific to sailsjs but is express middleware)

 // saved as /api/policies/recentPosts.js
 // also need to add a rule to /config/policies.js
 module.exports = function (req, res, ok) {

        .sort('createdAt desc')
        .where({ isPublished: 1 })
        .exec(function(err, footerposts) {

            res.footerposts = footerposts;
            return ok();

Doing it this way you dont need to pass anything to your view however Im not sure if its good practice to randomly add data to the response object.

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Kory Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11
