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How to manage test cases using Confluence?

We would like to use Confluence for writing and managing our test cases. Confluence Testplan plugin seems close to what I'm looking for, but it's a bit too simple and limited.

How are you using Confluence to manage your test cases?

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tputkonen Avatar asked Jan 08 '10 07:01


People also ask

Is confluence a test management tool?

Out of all manual test management tools out there here is a cool way to manage your manual test cases with confluence. In below structure you engage as many number of testers with your and generate final test results super-duper easily without outing effort after test execution.

Can Jira be used for test case management?

This is because Jira is not a test case management solution. It's really meant for issue tracking. You can customize Jira in certain ways to use it for some test case management processes, but these are makeshift customizations and they have limitations as a result.

3 Answers

We both do and don't use Confluence for managing our test cases.

We Don't
In my project we use, and love, Confluence. But only for knowledge documentation and spreading. I'm sorry but I can't see how Confluence would be a good idea of writing and managing our test cases.

We Do
We use excel/calc spreadsheets to write an manage manual test cases. We write them on a very high level. E.g. "Log in and upload a jpeg image." We expect all tester to have high domain knowledge and know how to log in and upload images.
Then we upload the spreadsheets to Confluence a special page. Every time the tests are run, before every release/sprint demo, we check those out. We enter in the results (sometimes add new tests) and check the spreadsheet back in again with comments.
It works fine, is fast, flexible, low overhead and it's ready to send to management or the customer anytime.

IMHO, honestly spreadsheets beats most test managing tools.

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Jonas Söderström Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Jonas Söderström

Assuming that you are using Jira for Agile management, it is best practice to associate test cases with Jira tickets. Confluence does a nice job of allowing users to link user stories within the wiki. For instance you can create a 'sub task' against a user story. Typically I write automated tests for all the user stories I test. So I can associate a git commit with a particular QA sub-task so it makes sense linking a ticket. You might want to look at the Confluence api, I link my automated test results into confluence which prints out my test cases.

On the topic of using spreasheets.. Its a terrible practice. Test Cases should be accessible by anyone and I don't mean on shared drive somewhere. Product, management and anyone in engineering should be able to visit a page and look at the test cases, coverage & results.

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Josh Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


If the question is about functional testing or BDD, did you check GreenPepper? See the documentation.

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Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Pascal Thivent