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How to manage large VHDL testbenches




One problem I've seen again and again on different VHDL projects is that the top-level testbenches are always large and difficult to keep organized. There is basically a main test process where EVERY test signal is controlled or validated from, which becomes HUGE over time. I know that you can make testbenches for the lower-level components, but this question mainly applies to top-level input/output tests.

I'd like to have some kind of hierarchy structure to keep things organized. I've tried implementing VHDL procedures, but the compiler was very unhappy because it thought I was trying to assign signals from different sections of code...

Is there anything available in VHDL to achieve the behavior of c programming's inline-function or #define preprocessor replacement macros? If not, what can you suggest? It would make me happy to be able to have my top-level test bench look like this:


Having the implementation of these functions in a separate file would be icing on the cake. Haha...I'd just like to write and simulate the test benches in C.

like image 857
jerp Avatar asked Dec 09 '13 02:12


People also ask

What is the use of UUT in VHDL?

A VHDL testbench is an environment to simulate and verify the operation of the Unit Under Test (UUT) that represents a design in consideration.

What does test bench mean in VHDL?

vht) Definition. A VHDL Hardware Description Language file (with the extension . vht) that contains an instantiation of a design entity, usually the top-level design entity, and code to create simulation input vectors and to test the behavior of simulation output vectors.

How do you end a VHDL simulation?

Using finish procedure. The VHDL finish procedure is my favorite way of stopping a VHDL testbench that completes without errors. You have to import “finish” from the STD. ENV package, and you have to compile the testbench in VHDL-2008 or newer to use it.

1 Answers

It is a VHDL requirement that the either you write the procedures in the process (as @MortenZdk suggests) or you pass all the IO to it.

My preference is to put my procedures only in packages, so I use the pass all IO approach. To simplify what is passed, I use records. If you reduce it to one record, it will be inout and require resolution functions on the elements of the record.

For more ideas on this approach, goto: http://www.synthworks.com/papers/ and see the papers titled: "Accelerating Verification Through Pre-Use ..." (near the bottom) and " VHDL Testbench Techniques that Leapfrog SystemVerilog" (at the top)

Another key aspect is to use a separate process for each independent interface. This way stimulus can be generated concurrently for different interfaces. This is also illustrated in the papers.

like image 138
Jim Lewis Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 15:10

Jim Lewis