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How to make Twitter Bootstrap menu dropdown on hover rather than click

I'd like to have my Bootstrap menu automatically drop down on hover, rather than having to click the menu title. I'd also like to lose the little arrows next to the menu titles.

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falter Avatar asked Jan 16 '12 09:01


People also ask

How do you open Bootstrap dropdown menu on hover rather than click?

Answer: Use the jQuery hover() method By default, to open or display the dropdown menu in Bootstrap you have to click on the trigger element. However, if you want to show the dropdown on mouseover instead of click you can do it with little customization using the CSS and jQuery.

How do you make a drop down menu on hover menu?

Example ExplainedUse any element to open the dropdown menu, e.g. a <button>, <a> or <p> element. Use a container element (like <div>) to create the dropdown menu and add the dropdown links inside it. Wrap a <div> element around the button and the <div> to position the dropdown menu correctly with CSS.

Should menus open on hover or click?

Many designers believe that when their menus open on hover, they're faster and easier to use. It might seem this way at first, but when you look deeper, you'll notice that the opposite is true. Menus that open on hover save users a click, but that click is necessary for confirming that the user wants to open a menu.

How do I create a toggle dropdown?

Basic Dropdown To open the dropdown menu, use a button or a link with a class of . dropdown-toggle and the data-toggle="dropdown" attribute. The . caret class creates a caret arrow icon (), which indicates that the button is a dropdown.

1 Answers

To get the menu to automatically drop on hover then this can achieved using basic CSS. You need to work out the selector to the hidden menu option and then set it to display as block when the appropriate li tag is hovered over. Taking the example from the twitter bootstrap page, the selector would be as follows:

ul.nav li.dropdown:hover > ul.dropdown-menu {     display: block;     } 

However, if you are using Bootstrap's responsive features, you will not want this functionality on a collapsed navbar (on smaller screens). To avoid this, wrap the code above in a media query:

@media (min-width: 979px) {   ul.nav li.dropdown:hover > ul.dropdown-menu {     display: block;   } } 

To hide the arrow (caret) this is done in different ways depending on whether you are using Twitter Bootstrap version 2 and lower or version 3:

Bootstrap 3

To remove the caret in version 3 you just need to remove the HTML <b class="caret"></b> from the .dropdown-toggle anchor element:

<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">     Dropdown     <b class="caret"></b>    <-- remove this line </a> 

Bootstrap 2 & lower

To remove the caret in version 2 you need a little more insight into CSS and I suggest looking at how the :after pseudo element works in more detail. To get you started on your way to understanding, to target and remove the arrows in the twitter bootstrap example, you would use the following CSS selector and code:

a.menu:after, .dropdown-toggle:after {     content: none; } 

It will work in your favour if you look further into how these work and not just use the answers that I have given you.

Thanks to @CocaAkat for pointing out that we were missing the ">" child combinator to prevent sub menus being shown on the parent hover

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My Head Hurts Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

My Head Hurts