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How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing? [duplicate]

People also ask

Which of the following is a common method for keeping a parent element from collapsing when it contains only floated children?

Method 1 (Using Overflow Property): We can use the overflow property of CSS to prevent the parents from collapsing. Set the value of the overflow property as “auto” for the parent and it will not collapse any more.

How could you stop content wrapping around a floated element?

CSS Clear property is used to stop next element to wrap around the adjacent floating elements. Clear can have clear left, clear right or clear both values.

How do you stop a floating element?

Clearing Floats To clear a float, add the clear property to the element that needs to clear the float. This is usually the element after the floated element. The clear property can take the values of left , right , and both . Usually you'll want to use both.

What property do you use to stop a floating element from floating next to another element?

Definition and Usage Note: Elements next to a floating element will flow around it. To avoid this, use the clear property or the clearfix hack (see example at the bottom of this page).

Solution 1:

The most reliable and unobtrusive method appears to be this:

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/SO_AMK/wXaEH/


<div class="clearfix">
    <div style="float: left;">Div 1</div>
    <div style="float: left;">Div 2</div>


.clearfix::after { 
   content: " ";
   display: block; 
   height: 0; 
   clear: both;

​With a little CSS targeting, you don't even need to add a class to the parent DIV.

This solution is backward compatible with IE8 so you don't need to worry about older browsers failing.

Solution 2:

An adaptation of solution 1 has been suggested and is as follows:

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/wXaEH/162/


<div class="clearfix">
    <div style="float: left;">Div 1</div>
    <div style="float: left;">Div 2</div>


.clearfix::after { 
   content: " ";
   display: block; 
   height: 0; 
   clear: both;
   *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML += '<div class="ie7-clear"></div>' );

.ie7-clear {
    display: block;
    clear: both;

This solution appears to be backward compatible to IE5.5 but is untested.

Solution 3:

It's also possible to set display: inline-block; and width: 100%; to emulate a normal block element while not collapsing.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/SO_AMK/ae5ey/


.clearfix {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;

This solution should be backward compatible with IE5.5 but has only been tested in IE6.

I usually use the overflow: auto trick; although that's not, strictly speaking, the intended use for overflow, it is kinda related - enough to make it easy to remember, certainly. The meaning of float: left itself has been extended for various uses more significantly than overflow is in this example, IMO.

Rather than putting overflow:auto on the parent, put overflow:hidden

The first CSS I write for any webpage is always:

div {

Then I never have to worry about it.

The problem happens when a floated element is within a container box, that element does not automatically force the container’s height adjust to the floated element. When an element is floated, its parent no longer contains it because the float is removed from the flow. You can use 2 methods to fix it:

  • { clear: both; }
  • clearfix

Once you understand what is happening, use the method below to “clearfix” it.

.clearfix:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;
    line-height: 0;
    height: 0;

.clearfix {
    display: inline-block;

html[xmlns] .clearfix {
    display: block;

* html .clearfix {
    height: 1%;

Demonstration :)