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How to make ttk.Scale behave more like tk.Scale?

Several Tk widgets also exist in Ttk versions. Usually they have the same general behaviour, but use "styles" and "themes" rather than per-instance appearance attributes (such as bg, etc...). This is good, as the Ttk widgets take the "standard appearance" of the OS's window manager by default, without needing to configure anything about appearance.

However, for some reason the ttk.Scale widget does not have two very useful options of the tk.Scale widget: showvalue and tickinterval (see reference). This is strange as those are more about behaviour than about look.

It would be great to "immitate" these two options while keeping a ttk look. The following code is my clumsy attempt at this. The question is: is there a better way? (besides encapsulating the whole thing in a class, obviously) and how would one reasonably get a semi-automated tickinterval substitute (rather than doing it "by hand" as in the code below).

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

# initial setup
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root)

# create a tk slider showing current value and ticks
# (showvalue=True is the default)
tkslider = tk.Scale(frame, from_=-4, to=4,
                    orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, tickinterval=2)

# create a ttk slider showing current value and ticks
# use a ttk frame to get ttk style background
ttkslider = ttk.Frame(frame)
# define a callback function to update the value label
def ttk_slider_callback(value):
    # 'value' seems to be a string - bug or feature?
    # 'text' can apparently be an int and gets converted into str
    # (...) possibly do other stuff
# decompose frame into two ttk labels and a ttk scale
value_label = ttk.Label(ttkslider, text=0)
actual_slider = ttk.Scale(ttkslider, from_=-4, to=4,
# (orient=tk.HORIZONTAL is the default)
ticks_label = ttk.Label(ttkslider, text='  -4 -2  0  2  4   ')
# put it all together

# final setup
tkslider.grid(row=0, column=0)
ttkslider.grid(row=0, column=1)

The result of the previous code, before actualy "sliding" the Scales, may look like this, with the Tk Scale on the left and the Ttk Scale on the right (will vary obviously per OS / window manager):

enter image description here

like image 663
Dalker Avatar asked Nov 09 '17 11:11


People also ask

How to change size of slider in Tkinter?

Normally the slider is 30 pixels along the length of the scale. You can change that length by setting the sliderlength option to your desired length. Normally, scale widgets respond to mouse events, and when they have the focus, also keyboard events. Set state=DISABLED to make the widget unresponsive.

What is scale widget?

The Scale widget is used to implement the graphical slider to the python application so that the user can slide through the range of values shown on the slider and select the one among them. We can control the minimum and maximum values along with the resolution of the scale.

1 Answers

You can place in an automated way both the ticks and the label showing the value using place and their position x (in pixels) given by the formula:

x = ((value - start) / extent) * (width - sliderlength) + sliderlength / 2


  • value: the value of the tick
  • start: the starting point of the scale (i.e. the from option)
  • extent: end - start
  • width: the width of the scale

((value - start) / extent) gives the position in percent and then, I just have to multiply it by the length of the scale, but taking into account the length of the slider.

Then place the tick with:
place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=x, rely=1, anchor='n')
(use rely=0, anchor='s' for the label showing the value)

And below is the full code. I have also added support for the digits option.

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

class TtkScale(ttk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
        ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.showvalue = kwargs.pop('showvalue', True)
        self.tickinterval = kwargs.pop('tickinterval', 0)
        self.digits = kwargs.pop('digits', '0')
        if 'command' in kwargs:
            # add self.display_value to the command
            fct = kwargs['command']
            def cmd(value):
            kwargs['command'] = cmd
            kwargs['command'] = self.display_value
        self.scale = ttk.Scale(self, **kwargs)
        # get slider length
        style = ttk.Style(self)
        style_name = kwargs.get('style', '%s.TScale' % (str(self.scale.cget('orient')).capitalize()))
        self.sliderlength = style.lookup(style_name, 'sliderlength', default=30)
        self.extent = kwargs['to'] - kwargs['from_']
        self.start = kwargs['from_']
        # showvalue
        if self.showvalue:
            ttk.Label(self, text=' ').grid(row=0)
            self.label = ttk.Label(self, text='0')
            self.label.place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=0, y=0, anchor='s')
        self.scale.grid(row=1, sticky='ew')
        # ticks
        if self.tickinterval:
            ttk.Label(self, text=' ').grid(row=2)
            self.ticks = []
            self.ticklabels = []
            nb_interv = round(self.extent/self.tickinterval)
            formatter = '{:.' + str(self.digits) + 'f}'
            for i in range(nb_interv + 1):
                tick = kwargs['from_'] + i * self.tickinterval
                self.ticklabels.append(ttk.Label(self, text=formatter.format(tick)))
                self.ticklabels[i].place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=0, rely=1, anchor='n')

        self.scale.bind('<Configure>', self.on_configure)
    def convert_to_pixels(self, value):
        return ((value - self.start)/ self.extent) * (self.scale.winfo_width()- self.sliderlength) + self.sliderlength / 2
    def display_value(self, value):
        # position (in pixel) of the center of the slider
        x = self.convert_to_pixels(float(value))
        # pay attention to the borders
        half_width = self.label.winfo_width() / 2
        if x + half_width > self.scale.winfo_width():
            x = self.scale.winfo_width() - half_width
        elif x - half_width < 0:
            x = half_width
        formatter = '{:.' + str(self.digits) + 'f}'
    def place_ticks(self):
        # first tick 
        tick = self.ticks[0]
        label = self.ticklabels[0]
        x = self.convert_to_pixels(tick)
        half_width = label.winfo_width() / 2
        if x - half_width < 0:
            x = half_width
        # ticks in the middle
        for tick, label in zip(self.ticks[1:-1], self.ticklabels[1:-1]):
            x = self.convert_to_pixels(tick)
        # last tick
        tick = self.ticks[-1]
        label = self.ticklabels[-1]
        x = self.convert_to_pixels(tick)
        half_width = label.winfo_width() / 2
        if x + half_width > self.scale.winfo_width():
            x = self.scale.winfo_width() - half_width
    def on_configure(self, event):
        """Redisplay the ticks and the label so that they adapt to the new size of the scale."""

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    style = ttk.Style(root)
    style.configure('my.Horizontal.TScale', sliderlength=10)

    s1 = tk.Scale(root, orient='horizontal', tickinterval=0.2, from_=-1, 
                  to=1, showvalue=True, resolution=0.1,  sliderlength=10)
    s2 = TtkScale(root, style='my.Horizontal.TScale', orient='horizontal', 
                  tickinterval=0.2, from_=-1, to=1, showvalue=True, 

    ttk.Label(root, text='tk.Scale').pack()
    ttk.Label(root, text='ttk.Scale').pack()



A more complete version of this widget is available in the ttkwidgets module under the name TickScale.

like image 99
j_4321 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10
