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How to make SeekBar take up full width of parent

I have a SeekBar in a RelativeLayout whose width is equal to the screen width.

I applied layout_width="match_parent" to the SeekBar but it seems to keep some empty space on both sides of the SeekBar to accommodate the thumb.

I also tried using android:thumb="@null" The thumb is gone but not the empty space on the sides.

I really need to make the SeekBar width match the parent's. Could somebody help me with this? Maybe I could create a custom SeekBar class and set the width to the parent width in onMeasure(). If this is a possible solution, I don't know how I could pass the parent width to the SeekBar class.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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David Heisnam Avatar asked Sep 02 '14 06:09

David Heisnam

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Show activity on this post. Then I used vector code in . xml file, which has attrs android:width="28dp" and android:height="28dp" in the vector tag. Here we can change the size of the thumb.

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1 Answers

Try to define following with the SeekBar in xml:

like image 161
Niko Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
