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New Official Icon for Android Navigation Drawer

How can I use Google's new icon? Is this a resource? Or something you can add in code, such as:


Here is picture from dev site (note: It's the "3 Lines" that I am seeking):

enter image description here

like image 427
TheLettuceMaster Avatar asked May 16 '13 16:05


1 Answers

The icon is available for download in the Android developers downloads section. Find it at /Navigation_Drawer_Indicator in the ZIP file.

Drawer icon

If you are looking for the new material navigation drawer icon, you can find it in the official Material Design Icons in different colors and sizes, for example at navigation/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_menu_black_24dp.png.

Material drawer icon

like image 197
Matthias Robbers Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Matthias Robbers