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How to make Notepad++ run script based on its name?




I want to make notepad++ run the "ruby {filename_here}" command if the current filename ends with .rb and "perl {filename_here}" if it ends with .pl. I've tried to use the NppExec plugin, but it can't do conditional stuff, so I wrote a bat

@echo off

if /i %~sx1 == .pl perl "%~f1"
if /i %~sx1 == .rb ruby "%~f1"
if /i %~sx1 == .php php "%~f1"

Now I can use it from the command line like C:\Program Files\Notepad++>runscript "D\pl.pl" and it works fine. Now how can I bind some key in Notepad++ to "runscript $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"? I've tried to use the Run->Run menu (F5), but it doesn't seem to work..

like image 997
Fluffy Avatar asked Jul 09 '09 19:07


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1 Answers

You need to put the file name at the end of the command. In the Run(F5) dialog, try this:

runscript $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)

If you want to test it out, you could put a & pause at the end, just to see if it worked.

You could also tweak your script a bit so that every file doesn't test for each extension, by using the dreaded GOTO command with file extension labels:

@echo off
GOTO %~sx1
  perl "%~f1"
  GOTO end
  ruby "%~f1"
  GOTO end
  php "%~f1"
  GOTO end
like image 163
akf Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10
