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Set Recursive-Depth for dir command in dos

I'm currently using the following command to list some directories:

dir /b /s /AD > c:\temp\dir_list.txt

This gives me almost the list that I need. But it is way too much data because some folders have lots of subfolders that I don't want to see in my listing.

Is it possible to limit the recursion depth of the command to 3 (for example)?


So I don't want to see the directory dir_foo if I execute the command in the above example in c:\>, but just the dir_n ones.

Maybe without a batch or VB script?

like image 951
Sauer Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 14:09


People also ask

What is the dir command used for in the MS DOS directory?

The dir command displays information about files and directories, and how much disk space is available. By default, it displays the name, size, and last modification time of every file in the current directory.

What is recursive command?

Alternatively referred to as recursive, recurse is a term used to describe the procedure capable of being repeated. For example, when listing files in a Windows command prompt, you can use the dir /s command to recursively list all files in the current directory and any subdirectories.

How do I get a list of files in a folder in CMD?

Click in the address bar and replace the file path by typing cmd then press Enter. This should open a black and white command prompt displaying the above file path. Type dir /A:D. /B > FolderList.

What does DIR B do?

Listing the full path The command DIR /b will return just a list of filenames, when displaying subfolders with DIR /b /s the command will return a full pathname. To list the full path without including subfolders, use the WHERE command.

1 Answers

I'm sure it is possible to write a complex command that would list n levels of directories. But it would be hard to remember the syntax and error prone. It would also need to change each time you want to change the number of levels.

Much better to use a simple script.

EDIT 5 Years Later - Actually, there is a simple one liner that has been available since Vista. See my new ROBOCOPY solution.

Here is a batch solution that performs a depth first listing. The DIR /S command performs a breadth first listing, but I prefer this depth first format.

@echo off
set currentLevel=0
set maxLevel=%2
if not defined maxLevel set maxLevel=1

pushd %1 2>nul || exit /b
if %currentLevel% lss %maxLevel% (
  for /d %%F in (*) do (
    echo %%~fF
    set /a currentLevel+=1
    call :procFolder "%%F"
    set /a currentLevel-=1

The breadth first version is nearly the same, except it requires an extra FOR loop.

@echo off
set currentLevel=0
set maxLevel=%2
if not defined maxLevel set maxLevel=1

pushd %1 2>nul || exit /b
if %currentLevel% lss %maxLevel% (
  for /d %%F in (*) do echo %%~fF
  for /d %%F in (*) do (
    set /a currentLevel+=1
    call :procFolder "%%F"
    set /a currentLevel-=1

Both scripts expect two arguments:

arg1 = the path of the root directory to be listed

arg2 = the number of levels to list.

So to list 3 levels of the current directory, you could use

listDirs.bat . 3

To list 5 levels of a different directory, you could use

listDirs.bat "d:\my folder\" 5
like image 111
dbenham Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
