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How to make Internet Explorer 8 to support nth child() CSS element?

I want to give a zebra stripe effect to my table rows. In all other browsers it can be done using CSS nth child element. But i want to do it IE 8 also. SO how can i do it?

like image 782
surajR Avatar asked May 14 '12 04:05


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How do I select a specific Nth child in CSS?

Definition and UsageThe :nth-child(n) selector matches every element that is the nth child of its parent. n can be a number, a keyword (odd or even), or a formula (like an + b). Tip: Look at the :nth-of-type() selector to select the element that is the nth child, of the same type (tag name), of its parent.

What is the nth child in CSS?

The :nth-child() is a CSS pseudo-class selector that allows you to select elements based on their index (source order) inside their container. You can pass in a positive number as an argument to :nth-child() , which will select the one element whose index inside its parent matches the argument of :nth-child() .

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Writing Complex :nth-child() SelectorsIt works exactly the same as :nth-child except that it starts from the end of the parent. For example, you can select the first three children of a parent by using the selector :nth-child(-n + 3) . You can use :nth-last-child(-n + 3) to select the last three.

1 Answers

With polyfill : Selectivizr is good enough.

Without polyfill: As IE8 supports first-child you can trick this to support nth-child in iE8 i.e

/*li:nth-child(2)*/ li:first-child + li {}/*Works for IE8*/ 

Although we cannot emulate complex selectors i.e nth-child(2n+1) or nth-child(odd) for IE8.

like image 73
Samar Panda Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10

Samar Panda