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CSS calc() not working



Is there a limit to how many operands you can have within a CSS calc() function?

This works:

div {     left:calc((100%/54)*26);     left:-webkit-calc((100%/54)*26); } 

This does NOT work:

div {     left:calc(((100%/54)*14)-140px);     left:-webkit-calc(((100%/54)*14)-140px); } 

Of course, the latter is what I need, because I need to offset a few pixels, but as soon as I try to do that, the value seems to just go to zero. Any insight is appreciated!

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itsmikem Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 21:02


People also ask

Is it OK to use Calc in CSS?

calc() The calc() CSS function lets you perform calculations when specifying CSS property values. It can be used anywhere a <length> , <frequency> , <angle> , <time> , <percentage> , <number> , or <integer> is allowed.

How does the CALC () function work on values in CSS?

CSS calc() is a function used for simple calculations to determine CSS property values right in CSS. The calc() function allows mathematical expressions with addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) to be used as component values.

How do you calculate width in CSS?

HTML. In the above code example, the calc() function is used to give the width value to the heading. Here , we have used the value of the parent which is set to 100% of the screen width by default. The calc(50% – 100px) means that the width of the heading will be equal to “50% of the width of the parent – 100 px”.

How do I debug a CSS calculator?

So to actually debug CSS variables you can use the helper class that I added below. So then in console you set and read variable like so: CssVariables. setRootVar('--column-max-width', 'calc((90vw - var(--zoomer-width)) / (var(--columns-shown) + 1))'); console.

1 Answers

To quote MDN

The + and - operators must always be surrounded by whitespace. The operand of calc(50% -8px) for instance will be parsed as a percentage followed by a negative length, an invalid expression, while the operand of calc(50% - 8px) is a percentage followed by a minus sign and a length. The * and / operators do not require whitespace, but adding it for consistency is allowed, and recommended.

Space your stuff out, and it will probably work.

like image 99
Ryan Kinal Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Ryan Kinal