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How to make illegal values unrepresentable? [duplicate]

A method of design in Functional Programming is making illegal states unrepresentable. I always see this being accomplished with the structure of types, but what about the value of types?

What if I have a string called Email and I only want it to hold a valid email address (checked against some Regex)? How can I do this in a functional way (without using OOP)?

like image 930
Kurren Avatar asked Feb 20 '17 10:02


4 Answers

A common idiom is to use a smart constructor.

module Email (email, fromEmail, Email()) where

-- export the type, but not the constructor
newtype Email = Email String

-- export this
email :: String -> Maybe Email
email s | validEmail s = Just (Email s)
        | otherwise    = Nothing

-- and this
fromEmail :: Email -> String
fromEmail (Email s) = s

This will verify emails at runtime, not compile time.

For compile time verification, one would need to exploit a GADT-heavy variant of String, or use Template Haskell (metaprogramming) to do the checks (provided the email value is a literal).

Dependent types can also ensure values are of the right form, for those languages that support them (e.g. Agda, Idris, Coq). F-star is a variant of F# that can verify preconditions/postconditions, and achieve some advanced static checks.

like image 136
chi Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11


I'd posit, the same way you do all your runtime error handling?

If you did it "with classes and properties for encapsulation", you'd throw an exception (ie in the setter) that some code, somewhere higher up in the call chain, would have to watch out for. It's not your "classes and properties" that magically solve this, it's your discipline to throw and catch exceptions. In most any FP language you have a wide arsenal of representations for signaling erroneous values/inputs, from simple Maybe or more detailed Either (or whatever these are called in F# ;), to full-blown exceptions, to forcing immediate-halt-with-stderr-message. As suits the current app/lib context.

"making illegal states unrepresentable" in types is for pre-empting as many easy-to-make-in-the-heat-of-the-moment developer mistakes as the type system / compiler understands how-to: not user error.

There's of course academic explorations and research into how we can shift handling ever-more classes of bugs to the static (compilation) side, in Haskell there's LiquidHaskell a prominent example. But until you have a time-machine, you can't retroactively prevent compilation of your program if the input it reads once compiled is erroneous :D in other words, the only way to prevent wrong email addresses is to impose a GUI that cannot possibly let one through.

like image 26
metaleap Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11


I usually do the way @chi has done. As he stated, you can also you Template Haskell to do checks on the provided email at compile time. An example of doing that:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
     --resolver lts-8.2
     exec ghci
     --package email-validate
     --package bytestring

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Text.Email.Validate

instance Lift ByteString where
  lift b = [|pack $(lift $ unpack b)|]

instance Lift EmailAddress where
  lift email = lift (toByteString email)

email :: QuasiQuoter
email =
  { quoteExp =
    \str ->
       let (item :: EmailAddress) =
             case (validate (pack str)) of
               Left msg -> error msg
               Right email -> email
       in [|item|]

Now, if you load this up in ghci:

> :set -XQuasiQuotes
> [email|[email protected]|]
"[email protected]"
> [email|invalidemail|]

<interactive>:6:1: error:
    • Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
        @: not enough input
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at EmailV.hs:36:28 in main:EmailV
      Code: quoteExp email "invalidemail"
    • In the quasi-quotation: [email|invalidemail|]

You can see how you get compile error on the invalid input.

like image 11
Sibi Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11


As it appears, both answers of @chi and @Sibi are what Refinement Types are about. I.e., the types which enclose other types, while restricting the range of supported values with a validator. The validation can be done both at run-time and compile-time depending on the use-case.

It just so happens that I've authored "refined", a library, which provides abstractions for both cases. Follow the link for an extensive introduction.

To apply this library in your scenario, in one module define the predicate:

import Refined
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

data IsEmail

instance Predicate IsEmail ByteString where
  validate _ value = 
    if isEmail value
      then Nothing
      else Just "ByteString form an invalid Email"
      isEmail =
        error "TODO: Define me"

-- | An alias for convenince, so that there's less to type.
type EmailBytes =
  Refined IsEmail ByteString

Then use it in any other module (this is required due to Template Haskell).

You can construct the values both at compile-time and run-time:

-- * Constructing

Validates your input at run-time.

Abstracts over the Smart Constructor pattern.
dynamicallyCheckedEmailLiteral :: Either String EmailBytes
dynamicallyCheckedEmailLiteral =
  refine "[email protected]"

Validates your input at compile-time with zero overhead.

Abstracts over the solution involving Lift and QuasiQuotes.
staticallyCheckedEmailLiteral :: EmailBytes
staticallyCheckedEmailLiteral =
  $$(refineTH "[email protected]")

-- * Using

aFunctionWhichImpliesThatTheInputRepresentsAValidEmail :: EmailBytes -> IO ()
aFunctionWhichImpliesThatTheInputRepresentsAValidEmail emailBytes =
  error "TODO: Define me"
    Shows how you can extract the "refined" value at zero cost.

    It makes sense to do so in an enclosed setting.
    E.g., here you can see `bytes` defined as a local value,
    and we can be sure that the value is correct.
    bytes :: ByteString
    bytes =
      unrefine emailBytes

Also please beware that this is just a surface of what Refinement Types can cover. There's actually much more useful properties to them.

like image 5
Nikita Volkov Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11

Nikita Volkov