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How to make first letter uppercase in a UILabel?

I'm developing an iPhone app. In a label, I want to show an user's first letter of the name uppercase. How do I do that?

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HardCode Avatar asked Jan 26 '12 17:01


People also ask

How do you convert the first character of a string to uppercase?

The toUpperCase() method converts the string to uppercase. Here, str. charAt(0). toUpperCase(); gives J.

How do you capitalize the first letter of a string in Objective C?

Just use the capitalizedString method. A string with the first character from each word in the receiver changed to its corresponding uppercase value, and all remaining characters set to their corresponding lowercase values.

1 Answers

If there is only one word String, then use the method


let capitalizedString = myStr.capitalized // capitalizes every word 

Otherwise, for multi word strings, you have to extract first character and make only that character upper case.

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beryllium Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
