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How to know which line of plist file is incorrect




I generate plist file for my application from file in csv format.

Everything seems to be correct but when I try to build application or open plist file in XCode i Get an error informing that:

mydata.plist:0: error: reading plist: The data couldn’t be read because it has been corrupted.

File contains a lot of data so it might be hard to manually find line which is incorrect.

Is it possible to validate file and get information which line is incorrect?

like image 409
MichK Avatar asked Mar 18 '13 23:03


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plist file. If you need to edit these items, Control-click (or right-click) Info. plist in the sidebar and select Edit Manually. This allows you to add or edit items in raw XML format.

What is a plist folder Mac?

Preference and configuration files in macOS use property lists (plists) to specify the attributes, or properties, of an app or process. An example is the preferences plist for the Finder in the Library/Preferences/ folder of a user's home folder. The file is named com. apple.

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plist . This name of this file is case sensitive and must have an initial capital letter I . In iOS apps, this file resides in the top-level of the bundle directory. In macOS bundles, this file resides in the bundle's Contents directory.

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View PList File ( Property List File) on Windows 10. A PLIST file is a settings file used on Apple operating systems, also known as "Property List" file. PLIST file is widely used by iOS apps and macOS applications. macOS provides several ways to open and view PLIST file, for example xcode and "Property List Editor".

2 Answers

Try running the following command in Terminal:

plutil <PATH_TO_FILE> 

It will tell you what the problem is and give you the line number.

like image 150
murat Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09


Open plist file in Chrome browser gives the error line number.

like image 41
OrdoDei Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09
