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How to make eclipse aware of OSGI bundles within a maven repository (local &| remote)

I have a project which is build through maven. Each module is built as an osgi bundle.

Within Eclipse the modules have also the plugin nature. Some modules require external dependencies (log4j, apache commons, ...), which are also available as plugins from a maven repository (for instance the spring enterprise repository, which is also an OBR).

Maven itself has no problem to resolve those dependencies, but how can I convince Eclipse to retrieve and resolve those bundles as plugins using a maven repository (I don't want to make for each of those a wrapper plugin)?

Is there a "Maven Provisioner" which could be installed in eclipse?

like image 930
Mauli Avatar asked Jul 02 '09 10:07


1 Answers

I didn't find anything, so I convinced my colleague to write an eclipse plugin which does exactly this. It is a provisioner which analyzes a m2 repository and pulls in the found osgi plugins from there. It is a alpha version, but you may try it and we are happy to get a response. Just write to info [at] inavare [dot] net

You find the update site here http://repo.openscada.org/eclipse/

like image 58
Mauli Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
