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How to make angularJS ng-model work with objects in select elements?

I have a problem with ng-model on a select element when passing an object from option elements. So, imagine we have an array of columns from a table called columns (the table's definition) and we'd like to creat some filters upon this definition

var columns = [
  {name: 'Account ID',    type: 'numeric'},
  {name: 'Full name',     type: 'text'},
  {name: 'Date of birth', type: 'date'},
  {name: 'Active',        type: 'boolean'}
  // and so on

var filters = [{}];


<div class="form-field" ng-repeat="filter in filters">
  <select ng-model="filter">
    <option value="" disabled>Choose filter</option>
    <option ng-repeat="column in columns" ng-value="column">{{column.name}}</option>
  <input type="text" ng-model="filter.value">

As you can see, I'd like that filter to get the value of column and to add specific data in it, so at a certain moment, my filter could be like:

  {name: 'Account ID', type: 'numeric', value: 123},
  {name: 'Active', type: 'boolean', value: 'Yes'}

Anyway, I'm not sure this is the way of doing this, but I'd like to know how can I achieve this behavior, withour writing to much js code in the controller.

I did some workaround to get this done using ng-change, passing the filter and the column.name, find the column in the columns array, get the type property, update the filter, but I really think that there is a simpler answer to this.

like image 294
Chris X Avatar asked Jul 29 '13 10:07

Chris X

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Can we use ngModel for select?

Overview. HTML select element with AngularJS data-binding. The select directive is used together with ngModel to provide data-binding between the scope and the <select> control (including setting default values). It also handles dynamic <option> elements, which can be added using the ngRepeat or ngOptions directives.

What is [( ngModel )]?

The ngModel directive is a directive that is used to bind the values of the HTML controls (input, select, and textarea) or any custom form controls, and stores the required user value in a variable and we can use that variable whenever we require that value. It also is used during form validations.

How do I filter with Ng-options?

In AngularJS when you are using ng-options, you can filter out the options by calling a custom function you have in the controller. Let's say you have following set of employees and when you display all these employees inside HTML select using ng-options, you can see all the employees in a dropdown.

How do you bind an NG-model?

Use the ngModel selector to activate it. It accepts a domain model as an optional Input . If you have a one-way binding to ngModel with [] syntax, changing the domain model's value in the component class sets the value in the view.

1 Answers

You can use ng-options to bind the selected object to a model:

<div class="form-field" ng-repeat="filter in filters">
   <select ng-options="column.name for column in columns" ng-model="filter.value">
         <option value="" disabled>Choose filter</option>

   <input type="text" ng-model="filter.value.name">


Updated answer:

<div class="form-field" ng-repeat="filter in filters">
   <select ng-options="column.name for column in columns" ng-model="filters[$index]">
     <option value="" disabled>Choose filter</option>

   <input type="text" ng-model="filters[$index].name">
like image 171
noj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
