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exposing an object in angularjs directive scope, can't access properties

So, I have the following relatively simple Angularjs directive

app.directive('myDirective', function () {
      return {
          restrict: 'E',
          scope: {
              site: '@',
              index: '@'
          template: '<div>{{site}}</div>',
          replace: true,


And here is where I call the directive in HTML

<div id="eventGraphic" class="span12">
    <my-directive ng-repeat="site in IEvent.sites" site="{{site}}" index="{{$index}}"></my-directive>

Which, given that each site is an object, produces this output (copied from browser)

{"name":"Walker Center","_id":"5148cca5436905781a000005","enclaves":[]}

However, if I change the template in the directive to

 template: '<div>{{site.name}}</div>',

it does not produce any output. This seems like a fairly straightforward use case, any ideas what I could be doing wrong? The desired output would be just the name field in each object.

like image 982
user1048378 Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 18:03


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1 Answers

You need to use '=' to map the object. '@' implies you're just passing a string value to the new scope.

app.directive('myDirective', function () {
      return {
          restrict: 'E',
          scope: {
              site: '=', //two-way binding
              index: '@' //just passing an attribute as a string.
          template: '<div>{{site}}</div>',
          replace: true,


Then in your markup, don't use a binding in the attribute, just pass the expression:

<div id="eventGraphic" class="span12">
    <!-- below, site="site" is passing the expression (site) to
         the two way binding for your directive's scope,
         whereas index="{{$index}}" is actually evaluating the expression
         ($index) and passing it as a string to the index attribute,
         which is being put directly into the directive's scope as a string -->
    <my-directive ng-repeat="site in IEvent.sites" 
like image 173
Ben Lesh Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Ben Lesh