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How to make a WPF DataGrid with alternating row colors, and a fix color section (ignoring alternation)

I have a datagrid that I'm trying to make resemble: enter image description here

I'm using the AlternatingRowBackground attribute to perform the alternating colors. For the fixed color section, I have XAML that resembles:

                <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}">
                        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=ShouldBeFixedColor}" Value="True">
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="Blue" />

The problem with this approach is that the "alternating color" takes precedence over the fixed color style trigger. So, at the bottom instead of blue-blue-blue it is blue-gray-blue.

Any ideas on how to archive the desired coloring? I'd rather do this all at the XAML level if possible.


like image 306
jglouie Avatar asked Jul 11 '12 14:07


1 Answers

Made some changes based upon other SO answers. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

  1. Yank AlternatingRowBackground=... from the grid. Add AlternationCount="2"
  2. Add the block below to do the styling (manually doing the alternating rows)

                <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}">
                        <Trigger Property="AlternationIndex" Value="0">
                            <Setter Property="Background" Value="White" />
                        <Trigger Property="AlternationIndex" Value="1">
                            <Setter Property="Background" Value="WhiteSmoke" />
                        <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Selectable}" Value="False">
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightGray" />
like image 172
jglouie Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11
