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How to make a prototype out of 2 identical controllers in angularjs?

In my app I have 2 almost identical controllers. A lot of functions are the same, so I'd like to prototype them. This is Controller #1:


  .controller('C2gCtrl', function($scope) {
    // some unique stuff
    $scope.feeDay = 59;
    // the identical functions
    $scope.getMinutes = function(minutes) {
      var duration = moment.duration(minutes, 'm');
      return duration.minutes();

and Controller #2:


  .controller('C2gbCtrl', function($scope) {
    // some unique stuff
    $scope.feeDay = 89;
    // the identical functions
    $scope.getMinutes = function(minutes) {
      var duration = moment.duration(minutes, 'm');
      return duration.minutes();

I've tried putting $scope.getMinutes into a factory:


  .factory('smfactory', function() {
    return {
      getHours: function(minutes) {
        var duration = moment.duration(minutes, 'm');
        return Math.ceil(duration.asHours() % 24);

I've injected smfactory into c2gcontroller.js

c2gcontroller.js (attempt #1)

  .controller('C2gCtrl', function($scope, smfactory) {
    // the identical functions
    $scope.getHours = smfactory.getHours(minutes);

This yields an error that minutes is not defined

 line 33  col 42  'minutes' is not defined.

So I tried:

c2gcontroller.js (attempt #2)

  .controller('C2gCtrl', function($scope, smfactory) {
    // the identical functions
    $scope.getMinutes = function(minutes) {
      return smfactory.getHours(minutes);

which doesn't yield an error, but my app did become unresponsive. Basically $scope.getMinutes doesn't return anything now.

I've read and watched a lot about AngularJS Services, Factories, Providers, but I don't know where to go from here. What would be the proper way to prototype c2gcontroller.js and c2gbcontroller.js?

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mles Avatar asked Feb 13 '15 00:02


2 Answers

This is where using a combination of JavaScript awesomeness, and the controller as syntax really comes in handy.

If we pull your common functions out into a plain old object:

var commonStuff = {
   getHours: function(minutes) {
        var duration = moment.duration(minutes, 'm');
        return Math.ceil(duration.asHours() % 24);

Then if we refactor our controller to be a normal JS object, we can augment it with a mixin one of two ways. Either directly onto the object itself, or via the prototype.

//Using the instance
function MyCtrl(){
   var vm = this;

   angular.extend(vm, commonStuff);

   //Other stuff

//Or via the prototype
function MyCtrl(){
   var vm = this;

//Controller specific
MyCtrl.prototype = {


angular.extend(MyCtrl.prototype, commonStuff);

The biggest difference is that now you can just reference the controller directly via the use of the controller as syntax.

<div ng-controller="myCtrl as ctrl">
  <a href="" ng-click="ctrl.getHours(120)">Get Hours</a>
like image 74
Josh Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 08:11


How about pseudo inheritance with angular.extend

/* define a "base" controller with shared functionality */
.controller('baseCtrl', ['$scope', .. 
    function($scope, ...) {

  $scope.getMinutes = function(minutes) {
    var duration = moment.duration(minutes, 'm');
    return duration.minutes();

.controller('C2gCtrl', ['$controller', '$scope', ...
    function($controller, $scope, ...) {

  // copies the functionality from baseCtrl to this controller
  angular.extend(this, $controller('baseCtrl', {$scope: $scope}));

  // some unique stuff
  $scope.feeDay = 59;


.controller('C2gbCtrl', ['$controller', '$scope', ...
    function($controller, $scope, ...) {

  // copies the functionality from baseCtrl to this controller
  angular.extend(this, $controller('baseCtrl', {$scope: $scope}))

  // some unique stuff
  $scope.feeDay = 89;
like image 21
ikumen Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 08:11
