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What is parentValueWatch in AngularJS?

I am using batarang to determine the source of some performance issues. One of the bigger culprits was my own code, but this parentValueWatch thing is now topping the charts and I have no idea where it is or what triggers it. My brains are on the floor from so much Googling... anybody know?

(AngularJS v1.2.24)

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like image 977
MetaGuru Avatar asked Feb 11 '15 20:02


1 Answers

ParentValueWatch is when a directive checks in its parent scope to see if any values have changed and, therefore, need to be changed itself.

Consider the simple directive,


Now let's say in the parent scope, foo is an object.

$parent.$scope.foo = {

Each $digest cycle, the child $scope will need to check the parent scope's foo value and each of its properties.

If foo was a really big and deeply nested object, this would take a long time, thus why it is taking so long.

Inside the HTML, this might look like this:

<div parent-directive>
<div foo-directive foo=bar></div></div>

One quick work around for this is to "freeze-dry" the values by using ng-init.

<div parent-directive>
<div foo-directive ng-init='zug={bar:$parent.foo.bar}' foo=zug></div></div>

Now the value that is bound to a new object. You lose easy binding, but gain performance.

It is always a tradeoff.

like image 60
Code Whisperer Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10

Code Whisperer