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How to make a property required in c#?



I have requirement in a custom class where I want to make one of my properties required.

How can I make the following property required?

public string DocumentType
        return _documentType;
        _documentType = value;
like image 573
Shailender Singh Avatar asked May 29 '12 06:05

Shailender Singh

2 Answers

If you mean "the user must specify a value", then force it via the constructor:

public YourType(string documentType) {
    DocumentType = documentType; // TODO validation; can it be null? blank?
public string DocumentType {get;private set;}

Now you can't create an instance without specifying the document type, and it can't be removed after that time. You could also allow the set but validate:

public YourType(string documentType) {
    DocumentType = documentType;
private string documentType;
public string DocumentType {
    get { return documentType; }
    set {
        // TODO: validate
        documentType = value;
like image 151
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Marc Gravell

If you mean you want it always to have been given a value by the client code, then your best bet is to require it as a parameter in the constructor:

class SomeClass
    private string _documentType;

    public string DocumentType
            return _documentType;
            _documentType = value;

    public SomeClass(string documentType)
        DocumentType = documentType;

You can do your validation – if you need it – either in the property's set accessor body or in the constructor.

like image 43
Will Vousden Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

Will Vousden