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Get a value of an attribute by XPath and HtmlAgilityPack

I have a HTML document and I parse it with XPath. I want to get a value of the element input, but it didn't work.

My Html:

      <input type="text" name="item" value="10743" readonly="readonly" size="10"/>

My code:

using HtmlAgilityPack;

HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc; 
HtmlWeb hw = new HtmlWeb();
HtmlNodeCollection node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input/@value");
string s=node[0].InnerText;

So I want to get the value: "10743" (and I don't mind to get another tags with the answer.)

like image 322
Chani Poz Avatar asked Dec 29 '11 10:12

Chani Poz

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2 Answers

you can get it in .Attributes collection:

var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
var node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input") [0];
var val = node.Attributes["value"].Value; //10743
like image 190
Kakashi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10


Update2: Here is a code example how to get values of attributes using Html Agility Pack:


 HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
 foreach(HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//a[@href"])
    HtmlAttribute att = link.Attributes["href"];
    att.Value = FixLink(att);

You obviously need to adapt this code to your needs -- for example you will not modify the attributes, but will just use att.Value .

Update: You may also look at this question:

Selecting attribute values with html Agility Pack

Your problem is most likely a default namespace problem -- search for "XPath default namespace c#" and you will find many good solutions (hint: use the overload of SelectNodes() that has an XmlNamespaceManager argument).

The following code shows what one gets for an attribute in a document in "no namespace":

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample

    public static void Main()

        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        doc.LoadXml("<input value='novel' ISBN='1-861001-57-5'>" +
                    "<title>Pride And Prejudice</title>" +

        XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;

        XmlNode value = doc.SelectNodes("//input/@value")[0];

        Console.WriteLine("Inner text: " + value.InnerText);
        Console.WriteLine("InnerXml: " + value.InnerXml);
        Console.WriteLine("OuterXml: " + value.OuterXml);
        Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value.Value);


The result from running this app is:

Inner text: novel
InnerXml: novel
OuterXml: value="novel"
Value: novel

Now, for a document that is in a default namespace:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample

    public static void Main()

        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        doc.LoadXml("<input xmlns='some:Namespace' value='novel' ISBN='1-861001-57-5'>" +
                    "<title>Pride And Prejudice</title>" +

        XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;

        XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("x", "some:Namespace");

        XmlNode value = doc.SelectNodes("//x:input/@value", nsmgr)[0];

        Console.WriteLine("Inner text: " + value.InnerText);
        Console.WriteLine("InnerXml: " + value.InnerXml);
        Console.WriteLine("OuterXml: " + value.OuterXml);
        Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value.Value);


Running this app produces again the wanted results:

Inner text: novel
InnerXml: novel
OuterXml: value="novel"
Value: novel
like image 36
Dimitre Novatchev Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10

Dimitre Novatchev