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How to make a linked list from an array in Javascript



Here's the basic code

function ListNode(x) {
  this.value = x;
  this.next = null;

function linkedList(arr){
  let list = new ListNode(arr[0]);
  let selectedNode = list;
  for(let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){
    selectedNode.next = new ListNode(arr[i]);
    selectedNode = selectedNode.next

  return list

l = [3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];


For some reason, it just works. I don't get how the 'list' variable is changing/updating in linkedList(arr) function. I see selectedNode = list, but list never changes. list initializes with the constructor new ListNode(arr[0]) but after that, the only variable that's changing is selectedNode. There isn't even code for list.next to change to something.

So how is it that return list returns the full linked list?

like image 700
Tyler L Avatar asked Mar 25 '18 01:03

Tyler L

3 Answers

function linkedList(arr){
  return arr.reduceRight((next, value) => ({value, next}), null);

l = [3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];


you don't need the class ListNode for such a simple object.

like image 74
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09


When you do this let selectedNode = list; two variables are pointing to the same value in memory, in this case, list and selectedNode. So, the chain of modifications starts with list and downstream adding new linked nodes.

The author has initialized the selectedNode with list as a starting point (root node) of the linked list.

This how looks like the memory with this let selectedNode = list;

  |       list      |  selectedNode    |
  |                 |         |        |
  |   {value: 3,    |         |        |
  |    next: null } <---------+        |
  |                 |                  |    

So, every iteration will modify the same list object because the next node is bound/linked with the previous nodes:

selectedNode.next = new ListNode(arr[i]);  i = 1
|       list        |  selectedNode    |
|                   |            |     |
|   {               |            |     |
|     value: 3,     | Points to  |     |
|     next: {       | next       |     |
|        value: 1   <------------+     |
|        next: null |                  |
|      }            |                  |
|   }               |                  |
|                   |                  |    

selectedNode.next = new ListNode(arr[i]);  i = 2
|       list            |  selectedNode    |
|                       |            |     |
|   {                   |            |     |
|     value: 3,         |            |     |
|     next: {           |            |     |
|        value: 1       | Points to  |     |
|        next: {        | next       |     |
|           value: 2,   <------------+     |
|           next: null  |                  |
|         }             |                  |
|     }                 |                  |
|   }                   |                  |
|                       |                  |    

And so on.

like image 29
Ele Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09


When you assign an object type to a variable, the variable's value isn't the actual object but rather a reference to it. Therefore, when you do selectedNode = list both variables reference the same object and any changes to this object, using any of the references to it, will be visible from any of its references.
In short: the list variable doesn't change but the object it's referencing does.

like image 21
Lennholm Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
