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Ele has asked 7 questions and find answers to 36 problems.


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I love Javascript and AWS, for real!

These are some of my preferred answers (no order nor preferences):

  1. Is there a best approach to deploy an architecture to send SMS using a Microservice model?
  2. How to open anonymous access to AWS API Gateway resource
  3. How to concatenate two array with same id using javascript
  4. String of numbers can't start with zero. Other Solutions?
  5. Why ~-(2 + “2”) is 21?
  6. Javascript: Find out of sequence dates
  7. Best way to create or add number on object property
  8. What does this condition do in ternary?
  9. Order array of objects given an order array on Javascript
  10. Why === and == giving false for following?
  11. How to make a linked list from an array in Javascript
  12. Replacing a string between strings multiple times
  13. Why is typeof let === 'undefined'?
  14. Javascript-Arrays: Get the index of the first item, that begins with a letter
  15. Change recursively specifics properties from a nested array of objects
  16. Lodash: _.has check for keys returning false
  17. Javascript get value in json based on another value
  18. Getting undefined is not a function while array destructing
  19. Scope of let in callback function, need understanding