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How to make a function return a pointer to a function? (C++)

int f(char) {
    return 0;

int (*return_f())(char) {
    return f;

No, seriously, use a typedef :)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int f1() {
    return 1;

int f2() {
    return 2;

typedef int (*fptr)();

fptr f( char c ) {
    if ( c == '1' ) {
        return f1;
    else {
        return f2;

int main() {
    char c = '1';
    fptr fp = f( c );
    cout << fp() << endl;

Create a typedef for the function signature:

typedef void (* FuncSig)(int param);

Then declare your function as returning FuncSig:

FuncSig GetFunction();

Assuming int f(char) and ret_f which returns &f.

C++98/C++03 compatible ways:

  • Ugly way:

    int (*ret_f()) (char) { return &f; }
  • With typedef:

    typedef int (sig)(char);
    sig* ret_f() { return &f; }


    typedef int (*sig_ptr)(char);
    sig_ptr ret_f() { return &f; }

Since C++11, in addition we have:

  • with decltype:

    decltype(&f) ret_f() { return &f; }
  • trailing return type:

    auto ret_f() -> int(*)(char) { return &f; }


    auto ret_f() -> decltype(&f) { return &f; }
  • typedef with using:

    using sig = int(char);
    sig* ret_f() { return &f; }


    using sig_ptr = int (*)(char);
    sig_ptr ret_f() { return &f; }

C++14 adds:

  • auto deduction:

    auto ret_f() { return &f; }

In C++11 you can use trailing return types to simplify the syntax, e.g. assuming a function:

int c(int d) { return d * 2; }

This can be returned from a function (that takes a double to show that):

int (*foo(double e))(int)
    return c;

Using a trailing return type, this becomes a bit easier to read:

auto foo2(double e) -> int(*)(int)
    return c;

Here is how to do it without using a typedef:

int c(){ return 0; }

int (* foo (void))(){  //compiles
return c;

Syntax for returning the function:

return_type_of_returning_function (*function_name_which_returns_function)(actual_function_parameters) (returning_function_parameters)

Eg: Consider the function that need to be returned as follows,

void* (iNeedToBeReturend)(double iNeedToBeReturend_par)

Now the iNeedToBeReturend function can be returned as

void* (*iAmGoingToReturn(int iAmGoingToReturn_par))(double)
   return iNeedToBeReturend;

I Felt very bad to learn this concept after 3 years of professional programming life.

Bonus for you waiting down for dereferencing function pointer.

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