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How to loop over an enum in Dart

I have a Dart enum in my Flutter project like this:

enum RepeatState {

If I have some random enum state like RepeatState.repeatSong, how do I iterate to the next enum (without doing something like mapping them with a switch statement)?

I found the answer with the help of this, this and this, so I'm posting it below.

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Suragch Avatar asked Nov 18 '20 04:11


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An enumeration in Dart is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over. Every value of an enumeration has an index. The first value has an index of 0.

1 Answers

Given an enum like so,

enum MyEnum {

Looping over the values of an enum

You can iterate over the values of the enum by using the values property:

for (var value in MyEnum.values) {

// MyEnum.horse
// MyEnum.cow
// MyEnum.camel
// MyEnum.sheep
// MyEnum.goat

Converting between a value and its index

Each value has an index:

int index = MyEnum.horse.index; // 0

And you can convert an index back to an enum using subscript notation:

MyEnum value = MyEnum.values[0]; // MyEnum.horse

Finding the next enum value

Combining these facts, you can loop over the values of an enum to find the next value like so:

MyEnum nextEnum(MyEnum value) {
  final nextIndex = (value.index + 1) % MyEnum.values.length;
  return MyEnum.values[nextIndex];

Using the modulo operator handles even when the index is at the end of the enum value list:

MyEnum nextValue = nextEnum(MyEnum.goat); // MyEnum.horse
like image 177
Suragch Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
