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How to localize ASP.NET MVC application?

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How will you localize ASP.NET application?

To opt-in to localization, we need to modify our Startup file. We'll be registering a few services, configuring options, and registering middleware. All steps that are common-place for additions in an ASP.NET application. Starting in our ConfigureServices method, we need to make a call to AddLocalization .

How will you localize URL in MVC application?

To offer a website in multiple languages using ASP.Net we simply need to add some resource. resx files to our project and voilà. Based on the language of the browser, IIS will match the localization resource.

How Globalization is implemented in ASP.NET MVC?

Image is used from: Globalization. In Visual Studio 2013 select "File" from the menu and inside that select Project and then a New Dialog will popup with the name New project. Inside that select Templates then select Visual C# and then inside that select web then select ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application.

You can also take a look here ASP.NET MVC 2 Localization complete guide and ASP.NET MVC 2 Model Validation With Localization these entires will help you if you working with ASP.NET MVC 2.

You would localize your ASP.NET MVC application very much in the same way you would a classic ASP.NET Web Form application.

You wouldn't use different pages/views for each language, but each page would support multiple languages using satellite assemblies.

You can look at Matt Hawley's blog entry for more explanation and examples.

Unfortunately, Matt Hawley's original code doesn't work in the release version of ASP.NET MVC. Check out an updated post: http://blog.eworldui.net/post/2008/10/ASPNET-MVC-Localization-via-View-Engines.aspx

In general, the localization process isn't as smooth in the VS 2008 / ASP.NET MVC world as it is with traditional web forms. http://www.guysmithferrier.com/post/2009/05/Localizing-ASPNET-MVC.aspx

Have a look at Rob Connery's MvcStore project. He does a screencast showing one way to solve the globalization problem.
