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How to load a transparent Image from ImageList?

I want to load a picture (32 bit-depth, transparent) from a TImageList to an TImage. The standard approach would be ImageList.GetBitmap(Index, Image.Picture.Bitmap);. However the GetBitmap method doesn't work with transparency, so I always get a non-transparent bitmap.

like image 312
Martin Melka Avatar asked Jul 22 '12 11:07

Martin Melka

2 Answers

The workaround is rather simple - ImageList offers another method, GetIcon, which works OK with transparency. Code to load a transparent Image would be:

ImageList.GetIcon(Index, Image.Picture.Icon);

And don't forget to set proper ImageList properties:

like image 56
Martin Melka Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09

Martin Melka

I too have had various issues with passing in images from the a tImageList. So I have a simple wrapper routine that generally does the job and it enforces the transparency. The code below is Delphi 2005 and imlActiveView is the tImageList component that has my set of button glyph images.

procedure TfrmForm.LoadBitmap (Number : integer; bmp : tBitMap);
  ActiveBitmap : TBitMap;
  ActiveBitmap := TBitMap.Create;
    imlActiveView.GetBitmap (Number, ActiveBitmap);
    bmp.Transparent := true;
    bmp.Height      := ActiveBitmap.Height;
    bmp.Width       := ActiveBitmap.Width;
    bmp.Canvas.Draw (0, 0, ActiveBitmap);

Here is an example of use where the 5th imlActiveView image is passed into the btnNavigate.Glyph.

LoadBitmap (5, btnNavigate.Glyph)
like image 34
Sharzade Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
