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How do I get Welcome Page browser navigate to some URI from within OTA package wizard?

What I'm trying to do is to create an ability to view (not to edit) the HTML pages included into project. The Welcome Page already has embedded web browser, so it appears to be a good candidate for that.

Curios why? Here is a question with background info.

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OnTheFly Avatar asked Nov 09 '11 23:11


3 Answers

Here is a solution I've made specifically for you...

enter image description here

Download the source from here, extract and load the package in Delphi (I made it in Delphi XE, but it'll load in any version! You will need to change the Unit Output path in Project Options on pre-XE versions, though)... install the package.

In the Help menu, find Create Browser and click it. This will then create and display a tab which navigates to my blog (for the purpose of example).

You can easily modify this to suit your needs! The Help Menu Item code is located in EditWizard.MenuItem.pas, and can be disregarded! Just note that it's making a call when clicked to (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAEditorViewServices).ShowEditorView(CreateTab('http://www.simonjstuart.com'));, which is what actually creates a browser tab instance!

All the code for the Browser Tab (including its Frame layout) is contained in EditorWizard.Frame.pas, which makes it really easy to modify to suit your needs!

The unit EditorWizard.Wizard.pas contains the small amount of code needed to register the custom browser tab into the IDE.

Some tweaking will of course be required on your part, but this should certainly serve as a very acceptable base for what you're trying to do.

Enjoy :)

like image 80
LaKraven Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 19:11


In case you're willing to use a hack like this:

  TOpenNewURLModule = procedure(const URL: string; EditorForm: TCustomForm);

procedure OpenURL(const URL: string);
  EditWindow: INTAEditWindow;
  OpenNewURLModule: TOpenNewURLModule;
  EditWindow := (BorlandIDEServices as INTAEditorServices).TopEditWindow;
  if not Assigned(EditWindow) or not Assigned(EditWindow.Form) then

  Lib := GetModuleHandle('startpageide150.bpl');
  if Lib = 0 then
  OpenNewURLModule := GetProcAddress(Lib, '@Urlmodule@OpenNewURLModule$qqrx20System@UnicodeStringp22Editorform@TEditWindow');
  if @OpenNewURLModule <> nil then
    OpenNewURLModule(URL, EditWindow.Form);


  • it's a hack (startpageidexx.bpl is not exposed through the API or documented)
  • it's hard-coded for Delphi XE (you need a different file name for other versions, the method signature might be different, too - e.g. in older AnsiString versions)
  • it does nothing if there is no edit window (there has to be at least one open module)
  • it always opens a new browser view

EDIT: It seems to be possible to reuse an existing open Welcome page, as well as make this hack compatible with older versions of Delphi. The following shows two alternatives, Delphi XE and Delphi 2007 (both seem to be working):

  IURLModule = interface(IOTAModuleData)
    function GetURL: string;
    procedure SetURL(const URL: string);
    property URL: string read GetURL write SetURL;
  TOpenNewURLModule = procedure(const URL: string; EditorForm: TCustomForm);

function FindURLModule: IURLModule;
  I: Integer;
  Result := nil;
  with BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices do
    for I := 0 to ModuleCount - 1 do
      if Supports(Modules[I], IURLModule, Result) then

procedure OpenURL(const URL: string; ReuseExistingView: Boolean = True);
{$IFDEF VER220} // Delphi XE
  SStartPageIDE = 'startpageide150.bpl';
  SOpenNewURLModule = '@Urlmodule@OpenNewURLModule$qqrx20System@UnicodeStringp22Editorform@TEditWindow';
{$IFDEF VER185} // Delphi 2007
  SStartPageIDE = 'startpageide100.bpl';
  SOpenNewURLModule = '@Urlmodule@OpenNewURLModule$qqrx17System@AnsiStringp22Editorform@TEditWindow';
  Module: IURLModule;
  EditWindow: INTAEditWindow;
  OpenNewURLModule: TOpenNewURLModule;
  EditWindow := nil;
  Module := nil;
  if ReuseExistingView then
    Module := FindURLModule;
  if Assigned(Module) then
    Module.URL := URL;
    (Module as IOTAModule).Show;
    EditWindow := (BorlandIDEServices as INTAEditorServices).TopEditWindow;
  if Assigned((BorlandIDEServices as IOTAEditorServices).TopView) then
    EditWindow := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAEditorServices).TopView.GetEditWindow;
    if not Assigned(EditWindow) or not Assigned(EditWindow.Form) then
    Lib := GetModuleHandle(SStartPageIDE);
    if Lib = 0 then

    OpenNewURLModule := GetProcAddress(Lib, SOpenNewURLModule);
    if @OpenNewURLModule <> nil then
      OpenNewURLModule(URL, EditWindow.Form);

Remaining cons:

  • it's still a hack
  • it's still hard-coded, for Delphi XE (Unicode) and Delphi 2007 (ANSI)
  • it still does nothing if there is no edit window

Perhaps you can use this as a start if you need compatibility for other versions.

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Ondrej Kelle Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 17:11

Ondrej Kelle

You are better off displaying your own TForm with a TWebBrowser component on it that you can load HTML into.

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Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 17:11

Remy Lebeau