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How to list / output all routes in @Routes in my Angular2 App

I have a quick question. I'm currently looking through https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/router/Router-class.html but I was wondering, in my Angular2's main.ts I have my routes defined thus:

@Routes([     { path: '/', component: HomeComponent },     { path: '/about-me', component: AboutMeComponent },     { path: '/food', component: FoodComponent },     { path: '/photos', component: PhotosComponent },     { path: '/technology', component: TechnologyComponent },     { path: '/blog', component:Blogomponent }, ]) 

Now in a component elsewhere I import the Router class. In my component (or the component template) I would like to loop through all my routes defined or just be able to access them. Is there a built in way to do this? Like some function that returns an object array? Here is a crude idea of what I want...

@Component({     selector: 'ms-navigation',     templateUrl: 'src/navigation/navigation.template.html',     directives: [ ROUTER_DIRECTIVES ] })  export class NavigationComponent {     constructor(private router:Router) {            // what can I do here to get an array of all my routes?         console.log(router.routes); ????     } } 
like image 719
Mike Sav Avatar asked Jun 01 '16 13:06

Mike Sav

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Routing is a process of changing the state of your Application by loading different components depending upon the URL that the user enters. Angular 2 parses the entered URL by the user and try to identify the routes according the different segments of URL.

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Routing for the Angular app is configured as an array of Routes , each component is mapped to a path so the Angular Router knows which component to display based on the URL in the browser address bar. The Routes array is passed to the RouterModule.

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Show activity on this post. You can check the current route by injecting the Location object into your controller and checking the path() , like so: class MyController { constructor(private location:Location) {} ...

2 Answers

Here is a better version which will list all possible routes (fixed according to comments):

import { Router, Route } from "@angular/router";  constructor(private router: Router) { }  ngOnInit() {   this.printpath('', this.router.config); }  printpath(parent: String, config: Route[]) {   for (let i = 0; i < config.length; i++) {     const route = config[i];     console.log(parent + '/' + route.path);     if (route.children) {       const currentPath = route.path ? parent + '/' + route.path : parent;       this.printpath(currentPath, route.children);     }   } } 
like image 65
Anand Rockzz Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10

Anand Rockzz

Apparently there is a very compact way to do it:

constructor(private router: Router) {}  ngOnInit() {   console.log('configured routes: ', this.router.config); } 
like image 21
Zolcsi Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10
