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TypeScript typings give me "index.d.ts is not a module"

I am getting File node_modules/@types/webrtc/index.d.ts is not a module with this code:

import * as webrtc from "webrtc"; const peerConnection1 = new RTCPeerConnection(); 

I have installed the typings using npm i @types/webrtc --save-dev. Hovering over RTCPeerConnection in const peerConnection1 = new RTCPeerConnection(); display type annotations in Visual Studio Code so at least the code editor sees the types. Running tsc (or webpack with ts-loader) fails with the error.

I have tried npm i webrtc --save in a misguided attempt for solving this, but it did not change anything and I really only want the typings anyway, WebRTC is right there in the browser, I don't need a package for that. (Support aside.)

The index.d.ts file indeed is not a module, it just references two other files with interfaces in them. So I thought to remove import * as webrtc from "webrtc"; hoping the typings will still be visible by tsc somehow. (But that's impossible since I exclude node_modules in TypeScript config file.) When I do that RTCPeerConnection is no longer recognized.

Adding /// <reference src="node_modules/@types/webrtc/" /> did not help, tsc says Invalid reference directive syntax.

You can view a repository with minimal repro here on GitLab. I am not too well versed in TypeScript typings acquisition so please forgive my ignorance if I'm going about this all wrong.

like image 410
Tomáš Hübelbauer Avatar asked Nov 05 '16 17:11

Tomáš Hübelbauer

People also ask

What is index D TS typescript?

*. d. ts files are used to provide typescript type information about a module that's written in JavaScript, for example, underscore / lodash / aws-sdk. This will allow you to use the javascript modules without the need to convert them to ts without getting any type of error on your code.

What is Type D TS?

d. ts files are called type declaration files. They exist for one purpose only: to describe the shape of an existing module and they only contain type information used for type checking.

1 Answers

webrtc is part of the browser; you're trying to import a module. Simply import the (typings) library:

import "webrtc"; 

you may need to use "moduleResolution": "node" in the compiler options.

Alternatively use the "types": ["webrtc"] compiler option and the compiler will automatically load those types up for you.

like image 65
Meirion Hughes Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Meirion Hughes