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How to link a Facebook app with an existing fan page



Now that Facebook has depreciated the landing pages for apps, how do I get my app to point to the Fan page for it's landing page?

I've checked under the Advanced tab and contacts -- but there's no place I can see to list my Fan page as being linked to my application.

According to this blog post from December, new apps can create a new Fan page, but there's no information on how to do it for existing pages -- they just say that "it will be linked automatically." Unfortunately it was not -- when you post something from our app onto your wall, the link takes you to our website rather than our Fan page.

I'd love for that link to take you to our fanpage again, but I seemingly can't find any documentation on this.

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tkone Avatar asked Feb 13 '12 17:02


People also ask

How do I connect my Facebook app to my Facebook page?

Go to the left column of the application's About page and click the "Add to Page" link. On the pop-up screen, click the "Add to Page" button next to the Facebook page you want it added to. Click the "Close" button.

How do I link my Facebook page to another Facebook page?

Tap General Settings, then tap Merge Pages. Tap Choose a Page or Profile to select 2 Pages you want to merge and tap Continue. Tap Request Merge.

2 Answers

It is possible. I had the same problem. What you need to do is the following:

  1. Categorize your existing page under "App Page" (found under "Brands & Products").
  2. Change your page name to mach your App name.
  3. Go to your App and select "App Details"
  4. Under "Contact Info" you will find "App Page". There you will be able to create a new page or if all went well, select your page from a list.

I found the info in the little question-mark next to "App page".

I hope this helps.

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Dvir Levy Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 01:12

Dvir Levy

It is possible to add the application to any page you administer. This can be achieved from solutions mentioned below:

Solution 1


YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id

YOUR_PAGE_ID You can get it through Graph Explorer https://graph.facebook.com/[PAGE_NAME]

Solution 2


YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id

REDIRECT_URL Any URL you want to redirect back to after adding the tab

Official Solution
Answer from @Dvir Levy is the official solution from Facebook. The issue with that approach is that we mostly can not follow that solution. Suppose we had to add an application tab to a brand page like 'ABCXYZ', if we follow that answer then we had to change the brand page name, and we can't do it, brands/clients we work for doesn't allow these changes.

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Syed Qarib Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 01:12

Syed Qarib