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How to know that tableView started scrolling

I have a doubt: is there any way to intercept a tableView scrolling to add it an action? For example my prototype cell background is red, touching up inside a cell its background color begin blue and scrolling the tableView background color return red. Is it possible to do this?!

Thanks in advance.

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Fabio Cenni Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 10:08

Fabio Cenni

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1 Answers

UITableView inherits from UIScrollView and UITableViewDelegate extends UIScrollViewDelegate.

Particularly you may be interested in scrollViewDidScroll method. So, in your UITableViewDelegate implementation, add the following method:

func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
    NSLog("Table view scroll detected at offset: %f", scrollView.contentOffset.y)
like image 70
redent84 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
