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How to join query in mongodb?

I have user document collection like this:

User {

A user has many friends, I have the following query in SQL:

select * from user where in (select friends from user where id=?) order by age

I would like to have something similar in MongoDB.

like image 466
L.J.W Avatar asked Dec 30 '10 14:12


People also ask

How do you perform a join in MongoDB?

MongoDB is not a relational database, but you can perform a left outer join by using the $lookup stage. The $lookup stage lets you specify which collection you want to join with the current collection, and which fields that should match.

How do I join two tables in MongoDB?

For performing MongoDB Join two collections, you must use the $lookup operator. It is defined as a stage that executes a left outer join with another collection and aids in filtering data from joined documents.

Does MongoDB support query joins between collection?

Does MongoDB supports query joins between collections ? No MongoDB doesnot supports query joins between collections.

Why joins are not used in MongoDB?

It's no join since the relationship will only be evaluated when needed. A join (in a SQL database) on the other hand will resolve relationships and return them as if they were a single table (you "join two tables into one").

2 Answers

To have everything with just one query using the $lookup feature of the aggregation framework, try this :

        // First step is to extract the "friends" field to work with the values
            $unwind: "$friends"
        // Lookup all the linked friends from the User collection
                from: "User",
                localField: "friends",
                foreignField: "_id",
                as: "friendsData"
        // Sort the results by age
            $sort: { 'friendsData.age': 1 }
        // Get the results into a single array
            $unwind: "$friendsData"
        // Group the friends by user id
                _id: "$_id",
                friends: { $push: "$friends" },
                friendsData: { $push: "$friendsData" }

Let's say the content of your User collection is the following:

    "_id" : ObjectId("573b09e6322304d5e7c6256e"),
    "name" : "John",
    "age" : 30,
    "friends" : [
{ "_id" : "userId1", "name" : "Derek", "age" : 34 }
{ "_id" : "userId2", "name" : "Homer", "age" : 44 }
{ "_id" : "userId3", "name" : "Bobby", "age" : 12 }

The result of the query will be:

    "_id" : ObjectId("573b09e6322304d5e7c6256e"),
    "friends" : [
    "friendsData" : [
            "_id" : "userId3",
            "name" : "Bobby",
            "age" : 12
            "_id" : "userId1",
            "name" : "Derek",
            "age" : 34
            "_id" : "userId2",
            "name" : "Homer",
            "age" : 44
like image 189
Derek Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10


Edit: this answer only applies to versions of MongoDb prior to v3.2.

You can't do what you want in just one query. You would have to first retrieve the list of friend user ids, then pass those ids to the second query to retrieve the documents and sort them by age.

var user = db.user.findOne({"id" : "001"}, {"friends": 1})
db.user.find( {"id" : {$in : user.friends }}).sort("age" : 1);
like image 36
dannie.f Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
