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How to join only one row in joined table with postgres?

I have the following schema:

CREATE TABLE author (     id   integer   , name varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE book (     id        integer   , author_id integer   , title     varchar(255)   , rating    integer ); 

And I want each author with its last book:

SELECT book.id, author.id, author.name, book.title as last_book FROM author JOIN book book ON book.author_id = author.id  GROUP BY author.id ORDER BY book.id ASC 

Apparently you can do that in mysql: Join two tables in MySQL, returning just one row from the second table.

But postgres gives this error:

ERROR: column "book.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function: SELECT book.id, author.id, author.name, book.title as last_book FROM author JOIN book book ON book.author_id = author.id GROUP BY author.id ORDER BY book.id ASC

It's because:

When GROUP BY is present, it is not valid for the SELECT list expressions to refer to ungrouped columns except within aggregate functions, since there would be more than one possible value to return for an ungrouped column.

How can I specify to postgres: "Give me only the last row, when ordered by joined_table.id, in the joined table ?"

Edit: With this data:

INSERT INTO author (id, name) VALUES   (1, 'Bob') , (2, 'David') , (3, 'John');  INSERT INTO book (id, author_id, title, rating) VALUES   (1, 1, '1st book from bob', 5) , (2, 1, '2nd book from bob', 6) , (3, 1, '3rd book from bob', 7) , (4, 2, '1st book from David', 6) , (5, 2, '2nd book from David', 6); 

I should see:

book_id author_id name    last_book 3       1         "Bob"   "3rd book from bob" 5       2         "David" "2nd book from David" 
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Benjamin Crouzier Avatar asked Jun 04 '14 16:06

Benjamin Crouzier

People also ask

How do I select only one row in a table in SQL?

While the table name is selected type CTRL + 3 and you will notice that the query will run and will return a single row as a resultset. Now developer just has to select the table name and click on CTRL + 3 or your preferred shortcut key and you will be able to see a single row from your table.

How do you join rows in SQL?

SQL JOIN. A JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them. Notice that the "CustomerID" column in the "Orders" table refers to the "CustomerID" in the "Customers" table. The relationship between the two tables above is the "CustomerID" column.

What is anti join in PostgreSQL?

An implementation of Nested Loop where Postgres only returns rows that do not find a match. No data is returned from the inner rows (the ones we're joining to), they're just used to filter the outer ones. It is often the result of a query using NOT EXISTS.

Is Left join one-to-many?

SQL LEFT JOIN examples Each location belongs to one and only one country while each country can have zero or more locations. The relationship between the countries and locations tables is one-to-many.

2 Answers

select distinct on (author.id)     book.id, author.id, author.name, book.title as last_book from     author     inner join     book on book.author_id = author.id order by author.id, book.id desc 

Check distinct on

SELECT DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same rules as for ORDER BY (see above). Note that the "first row" of each set is unpredictable unless ORDER BY is used to ensure that the desired row appears first.

With distinct on it is necessary to include the "distinct" columns in the order by. If that is not the order you want then you need to wrap the query and reorder

select      * from (     select distinct on (author.id)         book.id, author.id, author.name, book.title as last_book     from         author         inner join         book on book.author_id = author.id     order by author.id, book.id desc ) authors_with_first_book order by authors_with_first_book.name 

Another solution is to use a window function as in Lennart's answer. And another very generic one is this

select      book.id, author.id, author.name, book.title as last_book from     book     inner join     (         select author.id as author_id, max(book.id) as book_id         from             author             inner join             book on author.id = book.author_id         group by author.id     ) s     on s.book_id = book.id     inner join     author on book.author_id = author.id 
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Clodoaldo Neto Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Clodoaldo Neto

I've done something similar for a chat system, where room holds the metadata and list contains the messages. I ended up using the Postgresql LATERAL JOIN which worked like a charm.

SELECT MR.id AS room_id, MR.created_at AS room_created,      lastmess.content as lastmessage_content, lastmess.datetime as lastmessage_when FROM message.room MR     LEFT JOIN LATERAL (         SELECT content, datetime         FROM message.list         WHERE room_id = MR.id         ORDER BY datetime DESC          LIMIT 1) lastmess ON true ORDER BY lastmessage_when DESC NULLS LAST, MR.created_at DESC 

For more info see https://heap.io/blog/engineering/postgresqls-powerful-new-join-type-lateral

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Mirthe Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
