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JPA 2 CriteriaQuery, using a limit

I am using JPA 2. For safety reasons, I am working type safe with CriteriaQuery's (and thus, I am not searching for any solutions to typed queries and so on).

I recently came across an issue in which I needed to set a SQL-LIMIT.

After a lot of searching, I was still not successful in finding a solution.

CriteriaQuery<Product> query = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(Product.class); Root<Product> product = query.from(Product.class); query.select(product);  return em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); 

Can anyone help me?

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Menno Avatar asked Jul 25 '12 18:07


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1 Answers

Define limit and offset on the Query:

return em.createQuery(query)          .setFirstResult(offset) // offset          .setMaxResults(limit) // limit          .getResultList(); 

From the documentation:

TypedQuery setFirstResult(int startPosition)

Set the position of the first result to retrieve. Parameters: startPosition - position of the first result, numbered from 0

TypedQuery setMaxResults(int maxResult)

Set the maximum number of results to retrieve.

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Francisco Spaeth Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10

Francisco Spaeth