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How to insert   in XSLT



People also ask

How do you insert when typing?

The 0 Key at the bottom of the number pad on the upper-right corner of your keyboard will function as an Insert Key when Num Lock is turned off. That is why it is labeled with both 0 and Ins on the key itself.

What are the steps of insert?

For a basic table, click Insert > Table and move the cursor over the grid until you highlight the number of columns and rows you want. For a larger table, or to customize a table, select Insert > Table > Insert Table.

Use the entity code   instead.

  is a HTML "character entity reference". There is no named entity for non-breaking space in XML, so you use the code  .

Wikipedia includes a list of XML and HTML entities, and you can see that there are only 5 "predefined entities" in XML, but HTML has over 200. I'll also point over to Creating a space ( ) in XSL which has excellent answers.

&#160; works really well. However, it will display one of those strange characters in ANSI encoding. <xsl:text> worked best for me.

<xsl:text> </xsl:text>

One can also do this :

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></xsl:text>

Use this

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&amp;</xsl:text>nbsp;

edit: Downvoters should probably validate that this works first (it does, and is the most general solution to the problem.)

You might want to add the definition for this entity in the beginning of the file (below xml declaration):

<!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
<!ENTITY nbsp  "&#160;" >

Also you can add more entities such as Ntilde, Aacute, etc.