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How to initialize a shared pointer in the initialization list of a constructor?

How can I initialize a shared pointer in the initialization list of a constructor?

I have this:

Foo::Foo (const callback &cb)
    Bar bar;
    bar.m_callback = cb;
    m_ptr = std::make_shared<Bar>(bar);


I would like to put this into the initializer list of the contructor. Something like:

Foo::Foo (const callback &cb) :
  // ...

Bar is a struct:

struct Bar
  callback_type m_callback;
  // etc.
like image 607
waas1919 Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 09:07


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1 Answers

Add a constructor explicit Bar::Bar(const callback&). explicit will prevent mistakes related to automatic conversion. Then you can initialize a shared_ptr<Bar> like this:

Foo::Foo(const callback& cb)
  : m_ptr(std::make_shared<Bar>(cb))

See documentation for make_shared here.

like image 108
BartoszKP Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10
